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Pieters, A.J., Stuerz, S., Asch, J., Asch, F. 2024. A Hydroponic System to Study the Effects of Root and Meristem Night Temperature on Growth, Photosynthesis Carbon Balance, and Antioxidant Enzymes in Rice. Agriculture, 14(9), 1574; https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture14091574


Nocturnal root and meristem temperature (RMT) can have a strong effect on rice growth and yield. However, underlying mechanisms are not well understood. To investigate the effects of night-time RMT on photosynthesis biomass allocation and activities of antioxidant enzymes, we designed a hydroponic system that maintained the following daily patterns of day/night temperature: 18/28 °C (HNT) or 28/18 °C (LNT). Rice plants cv. IR64 were grown in the greenhouse and subjected to either HNT or LNT. HNT stimulated growth and tillering but did not affect biomass allocation. HNT plants increased total biomass by 16 and 35%, depending on time of exposure. HNT increased rates of photosynthesis (Pn) compared to LNT plants in leaves of different ages. Overnight carbohydrate remobilisation was larger in HNT than in LNT plants, particularly at 16 days after treatment (dat), when Pn and relative growth rates were highest. Leaf soluble protein concentrations and specific leaf area were not affected by RMT, indicating higher photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency in HNT plants. Super Oxide Dismutase, Ascorbate Peroxidase, and Glutathione Reductase activities did not respond to RMT, indicating no change in the production of reactive oxygen species in LNT plants despite lower photosynthesis rates. HNT increased sink demand by stimulating tillering, the increased sink demand upregulated the source activity through a larger leaf area per plant and a higher Pn throughout the canopy. The hydroponic system described here was able to control the temperature of the nutrient solution effectively, the installation of a second pump directly circulating the nutrient solution from and back to the reservoir through the cooling system allowed reaching the target temperature within 1 h. This system opens new opportunities to characterise plant responses to RMT alone or in combination with other environmental drivers.

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Heintze, S.; Beckett, M.; Kriem, L.S.; Germer, J.; Asch, F.  2024. A low-tech approach to mobilize nutrients from organic residues to produce bioponic stock solutions, Agriculture 14, 928. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture14060928


Organic residues, as a nutrient source suitable of producing solutions for hydroponic crop production, have the potential to reduce the dependence on mineral fertilizers. Especially in remote and resource-constrained regions, organic residues might be the only option to produce hydroponic nutrient solutions. However, nutrient solutions made from organic residues, called bioponic solutions, are usually unbalanced in their nutrient composition, which leads to deficiencies and poor plant growth. This study aimed to experimentally develop a low-tech approach to produce bioponic stock solutions rich in NO3, P, and K, to create a balanced bioponic solution. The mixed bioponic solution contained 58 mg L−1 NH4+-N, 43 mg L−1 NO3-N, 50 mg L−1 PO43−-P, and 246 mg L−1 K+. This approach resulted in satisfactory levels of P, K and micronutrients. The solution was tested pure and spiked with Ca(NO3)2 on lettuce in comparison with a mineral Hoagland nutrient solution. Neither the bioponic nor the spiked bioponic solution achieved comparable lettuce yields to the Hoagland solution. The poor growth of the plants in the bioponic solution was attributed to an unfavorable NH4+:NO3 ratio, high microorganism load, and elevated pH levels. However, the approach of preparing bioponic stock solutions could be promising for future research into the production of balanced bioponic nutrient solutions from organic residues.

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Glatzle, S.; de Almeida, R.G.; Pereira Barsotti, M.; Bungenstab, D.J.; Giese, M.; Macedo, M.C.M.; Stuerz, S.; Asch, F. 2024. Integrated Land-Use Systems Contribute to Restoring Water Cycles in the Brazilian Cerrado Biome. Land, 13, 221. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13020221


Cerrado, constituting native Brazilian vegetation in the tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands biome, has been extensively replaced by crop and pastureland, resulting in reduced water recycling to the atmosphere via evapotranspiration (ET). Re-introducing trees via integrated land-use systems potentially restores soil health and water-related processes; however, field data are scarce. During two years, we monitored soil moisture dynamics of natural Cerrado (CER), continuous pasture (COP), integrated crop-livestock (ICL), and integrated crop-livestock-forestry (ICLF) systems across 100 cm soil depth. Across years, mean soil moisture was highest for ICL, followed by COP and lowest in systems with trees (ICLF and CER). However, seasonal and spatial analyses revealed pronounced differences between soil layers and systems. COP and ICL mainly lost water from upper soil layers, whereas in ICLF, the strongest water depletion was observed at 40–100 cm depth, almost reaching a permanent wilting point during the dry season. CER was driest in the upper 40 cm, but water storage was highest below 60 cm depth. Our results suggest that compared to conventional land-use practices, integrated systems, including trees, increase water recycling to the atmosphere via ET and potentially compensate for the loss of key ecological functions of degraded or replaced Cerrado.

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Hoelle, J., Asch, F., Khan, A. 2023. Drought affects the synchrony of above and belowground phenology in tropical potato. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, in press.


Literature describes the belowground and aboveground phenology of potato to be linearly related. Bud formation is synchronous with tuber initiation and flowering with tuber filling. Many agronomic and breeding studies on potato use non-destructive aboveground phenology to assess belowground development. No information is currently available on the influence of water deficit on the synchrony of above- and belowground development in potato. Five contrasting potato genotypes were subjected to four irrigation treatments on two different soil types. The irrigation treatments were as follows: fully watered, early drought, intermediate drought, and late drought. In 5-day intervals after withholding water, detailed belowground and aboveground development was recorded. Results showed that the synchrony between aboveground and belowground development is strongly influenced by both water deficit and development stage at drought initiation. Under early drought, the aboveground development was hastened and belowground development was delayed. The opposite was found in later development stages. The earlier the drought was initiated, the longer the tuber filling phase was, while the bulking phase was shortened. We concluded that under terminal drought conditions aboveground development and belowground development need to be evaluated separately and cannot follow the standard evaluation system that uses aboveground phenology as a proxy for tuber formation belowground development rates.

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Johnson, K., Vu, H. D., Asch, F. 2023. Traits contributing to salinity tolerance in rice genotypes from the Mekong Delta. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 210, e12679,  https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jac.12679


Increasing sea level rise and subsequent salinization in mega deltas, such as the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD), pose a risk to rice (Oryza sativa L.) production during the dry season. This study investigated the salinity resistance of a selection of common rice genotypes from the VMD along with an international check, IR64. The 20 rice varieties were grown hydroponically for 5 weeks in a greenhouse and then exposed to three levels of NaCl concentration (0 mM, 50 mM and 100 mM) over a period of 2 weeks to determine their susceptibility to salinity. Rice plants were scored and SPAD (leaf greenness) and PRI (photochemical reflectance index) were measured on the youngest fully developed leaf on the main tiller. After harvesting the 7-week-old plants, biomass and ion (K+, Cl, Na+) content were determined by organ across all tillers. Averaged over all varieties, both at 50 mM and 100 mM NaCl, there was a significant reduction in plant biomass, 39% and 52% respectively. However, the effect of the NaCl treatments and the uptake of Cl and Na+ were significantly different between varieties (p < .0001). Using biomass and ion content as part of a multivariate analysis, varieties were classified according to their susceptibility to salinity and their predominant strategy towards managing ion accumulation. The grouped varieties were further characterized by patterns in Cl and Na+ partitioning and nondestructive parameters such as SPAD and PRI.

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Nguyen, V. H., Germer, J.,  Asch, F. 2023. Evaluating topsoil salinity via geophysical methods in rice production systems in the Vietnam Mekong Delta. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 210, e12676, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jac.12676


The Vietnam Mekong Delta (VMD) is threatened by increasing saltwater intrusion due to diminishing freshwater availability, land subsidence, and climate change induced sea level rise. Through irrigation, saltwater can accumulate in the rice fields and decrease rice production. The study aims at evaluating topsoil salinity and examining a potential link between topsoil salinity and rice production systems in a case study in the Tra Vinh province of the VMD. For this, we applied two geophysical methods, namely, 3D electrical resistivity tomography (ARES II) and electromagnetic induction (EM38-MK2). 3D ARES II measurements with different electrode spacings were compared with EM38-MK2 topsoil measurements to evaluate their respective potential for monitoring topsoil salinity on an agricultural scale and the relationship between land-use types and topsoil salinity. Results show that EM38-MK2 is a rapid and powerful tool for obtaining high-resolution topsoil salinity maps for rice fields. With ARES II data, 3D maps up to 40 m depth can be created, but compared with EM38-MK2 topsoil maps, topsoil salinity was underestimated due to limitations in resolution. Salt contamination of above 300 mS m−1 was found in some double-cropped rice fields, whereas in triple-cropped rice fields salinity was below 200 mS m−1. Results clearly show a relation between topsoil salinity and proximity to the saline water sources; however, a clear link between rice production and topsoil salinity could not be established. The study proved that geophysical methods are useful tools for assessing and monitoring topsoil salinity at agricultural fields scale in the VMD.

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Hoelle, J., Asch, F., Khan, A. Bonierbale, M. 2024. Suitability of the Stress Severity Index combined with remote-sensing data as a tool to evaluate drought resistance traits in potato. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 210, e12671, https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12671


Potato is a drought susceptible crop and even short drought spells reduce tuber yields notably. In an earlier study we developed a stress severity index (SSI) based on the development stage of a genotype at the onset of drought and the soil water deficit based on soil water tension. Here, we test the suitability of the SSI combined with remotely sensed data as a screening tool to select drought-tolerant potato genotypes. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) were obtained from reflectance measurements and thermography. Temperature data from the thermography allow using the difference between leaf and air temperature (∆T) to estimate the transpirational cooling of the leaves. Via cluster analysis including SSI, tuber yield reduction under drought, NDVI, PRI and thermography, three groups were distinguished: 1. SSI < 1000 with fast decreasing NDVI, PRI and ∆T, 2. SSI 1000–2000 with almost constant NDVI and ∆T and 3. SSI > 2000 described by small changes of NDVI, PRI and temperature deficit. For SSI < 1000, ∆T, PRI and NDVI showed to be good indicators of genotypic performance under drought. Potential strategies for drought resistance in potato detectable through remote sensing are discussed.

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Vo, T.B.T., Johnson, K., Wassmann, R., Sander, O., Asch, F. 2024. Varietal effects on Greenhouse Gas emissions from rice production systems under different water management in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 210, e12669, https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12669


Rice production accounts for 15% of the national Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and Vietnam aims at reducing emissions from rice production by focusing on changing farming practices. However, the potential for mitigation through the selection of different rice varieties is still poorly understood. A two-year field screening of 20 rice varieties under continuous flooding (CF) and alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation was conducted in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD), Vietnam, employing the closed chamber method for assessing GHG emissions. The results confirmed that varietal variation was the largest for methane (CH4) emissions under CF. Across the varietal spectrum, CH4 emissions were more important than nitrous oxide (N2O) (accounts for less than 2% of the CO2e) with the lowest emitting variety showing 243 kg CH4 ha−1 and the highest emitting variety showing 398 kg CH4 ha−1 emissions as compared to 0.07 kg N2O ha−1 and 0.76 kg N2O ha−1 emissions, respectively. Under AWD, CH4 emissions were generally strongly reduced with the varietal effect being of minor importance. Compared with IPCC default values, the data set from the two seasons yielded higher Emission Factors (EFs) under CF (2.92 and 3.00 kg ha−1 day−1) as well as lower Scaling Factors (SFs) of AWD (0.41 and 0.38). In the context of future mitigation programs in the VMD, the dry season allows good control of the water table, so varietal selection could maximize the mitigation effect of AWD that is either newly introduced or practised in some locations already. In the wet seasons, AWD may be difficult to implement whereas other mitigation options could be implemented such as selecting low-emitting cultivars.

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Mondal, S., Rahman, E.H., Asch, F. 2024 Ion uptake and distribution in sweet potato genotypes subjected to salt stress is not driven by transpiration. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 210, e12673, https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12673


Potassium is taken up actively by the plant, whereas sodium is often either competing for the same uptake mechanisms or uptake and distribution are driven by the transpirational volume flow in the shoots of plants grown under salinity. Reducing transpiration rate is regarded as an adaptation mechanism to reduce leaf tissue salt load. In combination with a high K uptake, plants may be able to maintain growth and are, thus, seen as salt-tolerant. Little is known about these mechanisms in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.). Therefore, cuttings of two sweet potato genotypes contrasting in salinity tolerance (CIP 188002.1, tolerant; CIP 189151.8, sensitive) were subjected to 0 and 50 mM NaCl root zone salinity in a hydroponic system and grown under low (0.76 kPa) and high (2.27 kPa) vapour pressure deficit (VPD) to create differences in transpiration. After 18 days of initial hydroponic growth, NaCl was added for another 33 days. Cumulative plant water loss and total uptake of Na, K and Cl were determined for all plants and treatments. Transpirational water loss was twice as high under high VPD as compared to low VPD conditions, but genotypic Na and Cl accumulation remained almost the same. In contrast to plants subjected to salt stress under low VPD conditions, genotypes under high VPD conditions differed significantly in transpiration. However, in both genotypes transpirational water loss from individual leaves and Na or Cl accumulation were not correlated, under high VPD younger leaves of CIP 188002.1 (tolerant) accumulated more than twice as much potassium than in CIP 189151.8 (sensitive). The distribution of the three ions across leaf positions and within one leaf position between petiole and leaf blade differed strongly between the two genotypes. Tolerant CIP 188002.1 accumulated up to five times more sodium and potassium in the leaf petioles in the middle-aged and young leaf positions than in the leaf blade, whereas in sensitive CIP 189151.8 neither ion was preferentially accumulated in the petioles. This was independent of salinity treatment and VPD conditions. In contrast, hyperaccumulation of Cl in petioles only occurred under high VPD conditions in the petioles of the tolerant genotype, but not under low VPD conditions, indicating a VPD sensitivity for Cl distribution in sweet potato. While we conclude that transpirational volume flow is not a main driving force for Na and Cl uptake and distribution within the plant, we discuss potential pathways leading to the hyperaccumulation of sodium and potassium in the leaf petioles of the tolerant genotype. We suggest studies on HKT transporter activities in the petioles as an object of further studies in sweet potato.

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Weinand, T., El-Hasan, A., Asch, F. 2023. Role of Bacillus spp. Plant Growth Promoting Properties in Mitigating Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Lowland Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Microorganisms 2023, 11(9), 2327. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms11092327


The ability of microorganisms to promote plant growth and mitigate abiotic and biotic stresses makes them an interesting tool for sustainable agriculture. Numerous studies aim to identify new, promising bacteria isolates. Traditional culture-based methods, which focus on selecting microorganisms with plant-growth-promoting traits, such as hormone production, nutrient solubilization, and antifungal properties, are widely used. This study aims to investigate the role of plant-growth-promoting properties in bacteria-mediated stress mitigation and the suitability of traditional culture-based methods as a screening tool for the identification of beneficial bacteria. To this end, we tested three endophytic Bacillus isolates, which have previously been shown to affect tolerance against iron toxicity in lowland rice, (a) for their effect on the resistance against brown spot disease, and (b) for plant-growth-promoting traits using common culture-based methods. Both B. pumilus isolates inhibited fungal growth in vitro and reduced brown spot disease in two of three rice cultivars in planta, although they tested negative for all plant-growth-promoting traits. While B. megaterium was negative for ACC deaminase activity and nutrient solubilization, it exhibited auxin production. Nevertheless, B. megaterium did not suppress brown spot disease in any of the three rice cultivars. This study shows that bacteria do not necessarily have to possess classical plant-growth-promoting properties in order to be beneficial to plants, and it emphasizes the limitation of common culture-based methods in effectively identifying beneficial bacteria. Moreover, our results highlight the significance of the interaction between bacteria and plant cultivars in determining the beneficial effects of Bacillus spp. on plants under biotic or abiotic stresses.

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Nguyen, V. H., Germer, J., Nha, D.V., Asch, F. 2023. Soil resistivity measurements to evaluate subsoil salinity in rice production systems of the Vietnam Mekong Delta. Near Surface Geophysics 21, 288-299. http://doi.org/10.1002/nsg.12260


Rice is a staple crop in the Vietnam Mekong Delta (VMD) in which more than half of Vietnam's rice is produced. However, rice production in the VMD is threatened by increasing saltwater intrusion due to land subsidence and climate change induced sea level rise. Saltwater intrusion into lowland areas through the canal system or capillary rise of saline water from near surface saline water tables may result in salt accumulation in the topsoil. Therefore, it is important to disentangle the two effects and their relative importance to implement appropriate strategies for water and salinity management for adapting rice production systems of the VMD to climate change. Here, we report on the possibility of using geoelectrical methods to evaluate the potential threat of subsoil salinity to rice production. To evaluate the level of subsoil salinity, we measured soil electrical resistivity using an ARES II to a depth of 40 m in a case study comprising five locations in the VMD. Electrical resistivity measurements were calibrated to soil types, which were identified through evaluating 1 m core sections obtained by drilling down to 40 m depth. The relationship between drilling data and soil resistivity was determined by applying clustering and principal component analysis. Resistivity values smaller than 3 Ω m were clearly identified as indicative for a saline water table. The results show a direct link between the depth of the saline water table and the proximity to the sea, but not to the rice production system (single, double, or triple cropping). This study proved for the first time the applicability of the electrical resistivity tomography method for identifying groundwater tables and evaluating subsoil salinity on an agricultural field scale in the VMD.

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Asch, F.,Johnson, K., Vo, T.B.T., Sander, O., Duong, V.N., Wassmann, R. 2023. Varietal effects on methane intensity of paddy fields under different irrigation management. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 209, 876-886. http://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12662.


Alternate wetting and drying irrigation (AWD) has been shown to decrease water use and trace gas emissions from paddy fields. Whereas genotypic water use shows little variation, it has been shown that rice varieties differ in the magnitude of their methane emissions. Management and variety-related emission factors have been proposed for modelling the impact of paddy production on climate change; however, the magnitude of a potential reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by changing varieties has not yet been fully assessed. AWD has been shown to affect genotypic yields and high-yielding varieties suffer the greatest loss when grown under AWD. The highest yielding varieties may not have the highest methane emissions; thus, a potential yield loss could be compensated by a larger reduction in methane emissions. However, AWD can only be implemented under full control of irrigation water, leaving the rainy seasons with little scope to reduce methane emissions from paddy fields. Employing low-emitting varieties during the rainy season may be an option to reduce methane emissions but may compromise farmers’ income if such varieties perform less well than the current standard. Methane emissions and rice yields were determined in field trials over two consecutive winter/spring seasons with continuously flooded and AWD irrigation treatments for 20 lowland rice varieties in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Based on the results, this paper investigates the magnitude of methane savings through varietal choice for both AWD and continuous flooding in relation to genotypic yields and explores potential options for compensating farmers’ mitigation efforts.

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Wassmann, R., Nelson, K., Bui, Y.T., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Gummert, M., Asch, F., Vo, T.B.T., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Kiese, R., Janz, B., Mai, T.V., Sander, B.O. 2023. Context-specific Assessments of Carbon Footprints of the Rice Value Chain: From Product-Labelling to Potential Mitigation Impacts. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-023-02176-8


Purpose This study presents three contrasting applications using calculation tools for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon footprints (C-footprint) that were specifically developed for rice production. This includes a new digital information system for labeling, tracking, and optional auditing of product-specific C-footprints that complements calculation tools developed to quantify GHG emissions and C-footprints. Collectively, these tools are used in different contexts to show their versatility for a variation of purposes.
Methods The digital system requires product-specific information on the rice value chain encompassing cultivation, harvest, and post-harvest processes. The tool provides comprehensive GHG data for tracking C-footprints along the value chain and generates a QR code that can be printed as a product label for marketing purposes. The 2nd and 3rd applications are based on calculation tools with coherent equations as the digital system but with different output formats and scopes. While this C-footprint data in the 2nd application encompasses the entire rice value chain, our 3rd application illustrates the intricacies of quantifying the climate change impacts of technological mitigation options in rice cultivation depending on different GHG metrics and time horizons.
Results and discussion The digital information system comprises a two-pronged approach for private sector applications: (i) GHG tracking along the rice value chain and (ii) product labeling for communicating information on product-specific C-footprints to end users. The principal distinction of GHG emission versus C-footprints was elucidated through (i) a sequential assessment of both parameters along the individual stages of the value chain and (ii) a comparative assessment of different yield levels showing that the reduction in C-footprints does not necessarily equal overall mitigation of GHG emissions in case of higher resource inputs. The juxtaposition of global warming potential (GWP), global temperature potential (GTP), and GWP* highlighted the pivotal role of the short-lived GHG CH4 in assessing potential mitigation impacts.
Conclusions The digital system opens up a pathway to marketing low-carbon rice products that could incentivize investments in improved technologies. The impact assessment underlines the significance of selecting the most appropriate GHG metrics for mitigation planning–especially for GHG sources like rice that are dominated by CH4 emissions.

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Mondal, S., Burgert, S., Asch, J., Rahman, E.H., Asch, F. 2023. Salinity effects on the activities of ROS scavenging enzymes in leaves of two sweet potato clones. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 209, 841-853. https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12657


Sweet potato production, particularly in coastal areas is often prone to salinity. Salt-tolerant clones will be needed to maintain production, but to date, little is known about salt tolerance traits in sweet potato. Salt stress may result in excessive uptake of unwanted ions into plant tissues leading to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which in turn may destroy membranes and reduce photosynthesis and growth. Antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POX), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) scavenge ROS and early changes in the activities of such enzymes could be used to identify salinity tolerant genotypes. Therefore, cuttings of two contrasting cultivars of sweet potato, BARI SP 8 (tolerant) and BARI SP 4 (sensitive) were greenhouse-cultivated in nutrient solution for 21 days and then exposed to 100 mmol NaCl for 7 days. Three, five and seven days after salt application the youngest leaves were sampled individually and enzyme activities, potassium (K) and sodium (Na) concentrations, and SPAD (as a proxy for chlorophyll content) were determined. In both varieties leaf growth was not affected by salinity and young leaves grown under salinity had higher SPAD values than older leaves. Na concentration increased over time, particularly in earlier and in older leaves, whereas K was reduced in younger leaves. In general, enzyme activities were strongly affected by leaf age and leaf position. SOD and APX showed varietal but no salinity effects, CAT increased under salinity in both varieties, whereas POX was strongly reduced and GR was strongly increased under salinity in BARI SP 8 with no effect in BARI SP 4. Enzyme activities were not correlated to leaf Na, neither in relation to leaf age, nor leaf number or duration of salt stress in both varieties. However, varietal differences were observed regarding leaf K. Activities of SOD were highly positive and of CAT highly negatively correlated with leaf K under salinity in BARI SP 8 but not in BARI SP 4, whereas activities of GR and POX were strongly positively correlated with leaf K in BARI SP 4 under salinity but not in BARI SP 8. We conclude that potassium may have a strong regulating role on leaf stress levels and therefore on the activities of antioxidant enzymes. Varieties may differ in their tolerance strategy and we have shown that salinity does not generally increase levels of ROS-scavenging enzymes in sweet potato leaves under salt stress. Confounding factors such as leaf age and leaf position as well as maintaining high leaf level K concentrations need to be considered when evaluating metabolic traits for salinity tolerance traits.

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Johnson, K., Vo, T.B.T., Asch, F. 2023. Genotypic responses of rice to alternate wetting and drying irrigation in the Mekong Delta. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. http://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12649


In the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD), alternate wetting and drying (AWD) in rice (Oryza sativa L.) production during the dry season has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emission and freshwater use. However, its effect on yield compared with continuously flooded systems can vary. To evaluate the effect of AWD on yield and yield-forming processes on genotypes commonly grown in the VMD, field trials over two consecutive dry seasons were conducted at the Loc Troi Group's agricultural research station in the VMD. We observed a significant yield reduction, 7% on average, across all varieties grown under AWD. Analysis of yield components showed that under AWD, genotypes on average produced more tillers, but fewer spikelets, suffered greater spikelet sterility and had a lower 1000 grain weight. The size of this effect differed between dry seasons. Accordingly, we were able to identify and characterize genotypes better suited to AWD. We also could relate shifts in sink-source relationships to the overlap of drying events and key phenological stages other than flowering. Our study shows how successful implementation of AWD requires adaptation to both environment and genotype.

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Weinand, T. Asch, J., Asch, F. 2023. Effects of endophytic Bacillus spp. on uptake and distribution of iron in lowland rice grown under iron toxic conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 186, 351-363. https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.202200426


Background The tolerance of plants against abiotic stresses can be greatly influenced by their interaction with microbes. In lowland rice (Oryza sativa) production, the iron toxicity of the soils constitutes a major constraint. Although there are tolerant cultivars, the mechanisms underlying the tolerance against excess iron are not fully understood. Even less is known about the role of microbes in the response to iron toxicity.
Aim In the study presented here, the effects of different Bacillus isolates on the accumulation and distribution of iron within the shoots of different rice cultivars grown under iron toxicity were analyzed.
Methods Three lowland rice cultivars with contrasting tolerance to iron toxicity (IR31785-58-1-2-3-3, Sahel 108, Suakoko 8) were inoculated with three Bacillus isolates (two B. pumilus and one B. megaterium) and, after 1 week, exposed to excess iron (1,000 ppm) for 8 days. Tolerance was evaluated by leaf symptom scoring.
Results Bacterial inoculation mitigated leaf symptoms in the sensitive cultivar IR31785-58-1-2-3-3 despite no significant differences in shoot iron concentration between inoculated and noninoculated plants. In the tolerant excluder cultivar, Suakoko 8, leaf symptoms were exacerbated when inoculated with B. pumilus Ni9MO12. While the total shoot Fe concentration was not affected in this bacteria × cultivar combination, the distribution of iron within the shoot was clearly disturbed. Tolerance to iron toxicity of the tolerant includer cultivar, Sahel 108, was not affected by Bacillus inoculation.
Conclusion In conclusion, our results show that Bacillus inoculation can affect the tolerance of lowland rice to iron toxicity and that the effects strongly depend on the bacteria × cultivar combination.

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Pieters, A., Giese, M., Schmierer, M., Johnson, K., Asch, F. 2022. Chamber-based system for measuring whole-plant transpiration dynamics. Plant-Environment Interactions, 3, 243-253. https://doi.org/10.1002/pei3.10094


Most of our insights on whole-plant transpiration (E) are based on leaf-chamber measurements using water vapor porometers, IRGAs, or flux measurements. Gravimetric methods are integrative, accurate, and a clear differentiation between evaporation and E can be made. Water vapor pressure deficit (VPD) is the driving force for E but assessing its impact has been evasive, due to confounding effects of other climate drivers. We developed a chamber-based gravimetric method, in which whole plant response of E to VPD could be assessed, while keeping other environmental parameters at predetermined values. Stable VPD values (0.5–3.7 kPa) were attained within 5 min after changing flow settings and maintained for at least 45 min. Species differing in life form and photosynthetic metabolism were used. Typical runs covering the range of VPDs lasted up to 4 h, preventing acclimation responses or soilborne water deficit. Species-specific responses of E to VPD could be identified, as well as differences in leaf conductance. The combined gravimetric-chamber-based system presented overcomes several limitations of previous gravimetric set ups in terms of replicability, time, and elucidation of the impact of specific environmental drivers on E, filling a methodological gap and widening our phenotyping capabilities.

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Marohn C., Troost C., Warth B., Bateki C., Zijlstra M., Anwar F., Williams B., Descheemaeker K., Berger T., Asch F., Dickhoefer U., Birner R., Cadisch G. 2022. Coupled biophysical and decision-making processes in grassland systems in East African savannahs – A modelling framework. Ecological Modelling, 474, art. no. 110113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2022.110113


Increasing livestock densities on limited grazing areas in African savannahs lead to resource degradation through overgrazing, aggravated by drought. Assessing herd management strategies over longer periods at landscape scale is important to propose options for sustainable land use. This requires an understanding of processes related to hydrology, nutrient cycling, herd movement, pasture degradation, and animal resilience that involve dynamic soil-plant-animal interactions and human decisions about stocking rates, livestock purchases and sales. We present the coupled model system MPMAS-LUCIA-LIVSIM (MLL), the combination of a spatially explicit agent-based model for human decision-making (MPMAS), a spatially distributed landscape model for water flows, nutrient cycles and plant growth (LUCIA), and a herd model (LIVSIM) representing grazing, body weight, nutrition and excreta of individual animals. MLL represents daily vegetation growth in response to grazing and organic inputs, monthly animal performance influenced by forage availability and quality, and herders’ management in response to resource status. New modules for selective grazing, resprouting of pasture, herd movement and model coupling were developed for MLL. The test case of a pastoral system in the Ethiopian Borana region demonstrates the capabilities of MLL to simulate key soil-plant-animal-human interactions under climate-related management scenarios with varying access to grazing land, changing cattle prices and different spending / saving behaviour of herders. 20-year simulations showed the negative impact of consecutive drought years on vegetation biomass, on herd development and movement and how reserving grazing areas for dry seasons could mitigate overgrazing and improve income. Seasonality and drought response of vegetation growth, selective grazing of different plant parts, resprouting after grazing, calving intervals, milk yields and lactation in response to forage supply and quality as well as herder reactions to shocks were plausibly represented. Building upon this successful proof-of-concept, MLL can be used to identify robust management options for improved grazing systems in savannahs in follow-up research.

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Tatar, Ö., Brueck, H., Asch, F. 2022. Atmospheric and soil water deficit affected changes in chemical and hydraulic signals in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, http://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12620


Plant responses to soil drying and the metabolic basis of drought-induced limitations in stomatal opening are still being discussed. In this study, we investigate the roles of root-born chemical and hydraulic signals on stomatal regulation in wheat genotypes as affected by soil drought and vapour pressure deficit. Twelve consecutive pot experiments were carried out in a glasshouse. Two bread wheat cultivars (Gönen and Basribey) were subjected to drought under high and low vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in a growth chamber. Total dry matter, specific leaf area, xylem ABA content, xylem osmotic potential, xylem pH, root water potential (RWP), stomatal conductance, leaf ABA content and photosynthetic activity were determined daily during 6 days after the onset of treatments (DAT). In the first phase of drought stress, soil drying induced an increase in the xylem ABA with a peak 3 DAT while RWP drastically decreased during the same period. Then the osmotic potential of leaves decreased and leaf ABA content increased 4 DAT. A similar peak was observed for stomatal conductance during the early stress phase, and it became stable and significantly higher than in well-watered conditions especially in high vapour deficit conditions (H-VPD). Furthermore, xylem pH and xylem osmotic potential appeared to be mostly associated with atmospheric moisture content than soil water availability. The results are discussed regarding possible drought adaptation of wheat under different atmospheric humidity.

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Mondal, S., Rahaman, E. H. M. S., Asch, F. 2022. Potassium content is the main driver for salinity tolerance in sweet potato before tuber formation. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12599


Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is mostly grown in Asia, which accounts for 86% of global production. However, its production is under threat by salinity. Little is known about genotypic responses to salinity in sweet potato. Phenotypic responses or physiological processes linked to salt tolerance that could be developed into a reliable screening tool to assist breeding have not yet been developed for sweet potato. In a hydroponic cultivation system, 12 contrasting sweet potato genotypes were subjected to 0, 50, 100, and 150 mM root zone salinity (RZS). Genotypic thresholds for dry matter accumulation and the genotypic slopes for additional dry matter reduction when the RZS increased beyond the genotypic threshold were determined. Sodium, chlorine, and potassium (K) were determined from above ground biomass and correlated with the genotypic thresholds found. Genotypic threshold levels were linearly negatively correlated with the difference in tissue K content at 75 mM RZS and the tissue K content at control levels. Based on the genotypic ability to retain high tissue potassium levels under increasing RZS, we propose a screening tool based on these experimental data that can distinguish between salt tolerant and salt sensitive genotypes and indicate the potential yield level of the sweet potato genotypes.

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Asch, J., Johnson, K., Mondal, S., Asch, F. 2022.  Comprehensive assessment of extraction methods for plant tissue samples for determining sodium and potassium via flame photometer and chloride via automated flow analysis. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, open access. https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.202100344


Determination of sodium (Na), potassium (K), and chloride (Cl) content in plant tissue is required for research related to salinity resistance in plants. Standard methods are available to extract these elements from dried plant material, but these methods are often costly, relatively dangerous, or time consuming. Many authors modify extraction methods substantially without proof of comparability across methods. Here, dried tissues of two varieties of rice and three varieties of sweet potato subjected to salt stress were extracted for Na and K using six different extraction methods (1–6) and for Cl using three Cl-free extraction methods (2, 4, 5) for Cl: (1) the VDLUFA standard method, consisting of ashing, and heat extraction in hydrochloric acid (HCl), (2) hot water pressure extraction via autoclave, (3) extraction with 1 M HCl overnight, (4) hot water extraction at 90°C for 1 h, (5) acetic acid extraction in hot 1 M acetic acid for 2 h, and (6) extraction with a microwave using nitric acid. Na and K were determined via flame photometer and Cl via automated flow analysis. Na and K concentrations varied little among different extraction methods as compared to the VDLUFA standard method, and for Cl, all extractions resulted in similar tissue Cl concentrations. Ultimately, the choice of extraction method depends on the instrumentation and lab equipment necessary, available budget, the available amount of sample, and time constraints which should be decided according to the experiment. For reasons of comparability among publications, methods applied should be clearly described since results vary depending on the method chosen.

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Alemayehu, G., Shibabaw, A., Adgo, E., Asch, F., Freyer, B. 2022. Productivity improvement of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) through crop rotation and organic matter application in degraded crop farms of Ethiopian highlands. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170522000011


Bread wheat is one of the most important staple crops in Ethiopia and it is largely produced by smallholder farmers in the highlands of the country. Its productivity is, however, very low below the world average mainly due to the dwindling of soil productivity and depletion of soil fertility as the result of complete removal of crop residues as well as abandoning of crop rotation and organic matter application. Hence, a 3 years experiment was conducted to study the productivity improvement of bread wheat through crop rotation and organic manure application in degraded crop fields of Ethiopian highlands. Both at station and on-farm sites, factorial combinations of five crop rotations (R1+ = bread wheat–clover–potato, R2+ = clover–bread wheat undersowing lupine–potato, R3+ = potato–clover–bread wheat, R4+ = bread wheat undersowing lupine–potato undersowing lupine–bread wheat and R5+ = lupine–potato undersowing lupine–bread wheat) and four manure application rates [M1 = control/without manure, M2 = 2.5 t ha−1 Sesbania green manure (SGM), M3 = 5 t ha−1 fresh cattle manure (FCM) and M4 = 2.5 t ha−1 SGM + 5 t ha−1 FCM] were laid out in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Crop rotation treatments with plus sign (+) indicated that crop residues and/or green manure of preceding crops were incorporated into the soil. Sole bread wheat crop (R1) without manure application (M1) in the first year (2013) was considered as the control and baseline of the study. Results of the study clearly showed that the interaction of R3+ and M4 in 3 years period (2013–2015) enabled to recover the highest grain productivity of bread wheat from 0.95 and 0.69 to 4.83 and 4.14 t ha−1 with the percentile increments of 408.42 and 500.00% at station and on-farm sites, respectively. Thus, long-term application of organic manure with moderate quantity and incorporation of crop residues in pragmatic crop rotation of a vigorous legume before wheat have great potentials for recovering the productivity of bread wheat in degraded crop fields.

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Alemayehu, G., Shibabaw, A., Adgo, E., Asch, F., Freyer, B. 2022. Recovery of soil health and crop productivity of degraded cultivated land of Northwest Ethiopian highlands. Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Science 32, 1-29


Severe soil degradation and fertility depletion have resulted in poor soil health and low crop productivity in the cultivated land of most Ethiopian highlands. Thus, a three-year experiment from 2013 to 2015 was conducted to assess the potential of crop rotation and organic matter application for recovery of the soil health and crop productivity of cultivated land in northwest Ethiopian highlands. Factorial combinations of five crop rotations [bread wheat–clover–potato (R1+); clover–bread wheat undersowing lupine–potato (R2+); potato–clover–bread wheat (R3+); bread wheat undersowing lupine–potato undersowing lupine–bread wheat (R4+); and lupine–potato undersowing lupine–bread wheat (R5+)] and four manure application rates [control without manure (M1); 2.5 t ha-1 sesbania green manure SGM (M2); 5 t ha-1 fresh cattle manure FCM (M3); and 2.5 t ha-1 SGM + 5 t ha-1 FCM (M4)] were laid out in randomized complete block design with four replications at on-station and on-farm testing sites. Interaction of crop rotation and manure application significantly improved the soil properties and crop productivity of the experimental plots. Combined applications of crop rotation and manure in a three-year period resulted in the improvement of crop productivity up to 13 folds, as well as of bulk density, pH, CEC, and contents of organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorous, and exchangeable potassium of the experimental soils up to 25, 20, 67, 92, 154, 96 and 54 percent, respectively, compared to their baseline records. These highest improvements of physicochemical soil properties and crop productivity were mainly recorded from the interaction of R1+ and M4. The results clearly showed that long-term sound crop rotation and organic matter application have a great potential for recovering the soil health and crop productivity of degraded cultivated land in Ethiopian highlands.

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Vu, H. D., Stuerz, S. , Asch F. 2021. Rice–weed competition in response to nitrogen form under high and low transpirational demand. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, open access, https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12562


Implementation of water-saving irrigation practices in lowland rice results in increased availability of nitrate (NO3) in the soil and favours germination of upland weeds. Since plant species show a specific preference for either ammonium (NH4+) or NO3 as nitrogen (N) source, changes in both soil NO3 concentration and weed flora may affect the competition between rice and weeds. Further, the transpirational demand of the atmosphere might affect growth and competitiveness of lowland (wetland) and upland (dryland) weeds differently due to their adaptation to different ecological environments. Therefore, the study aimed to evaluate the effects of N source on growth, N uptake and competition between rice and common upland and lowland weeds under high and low vapour pressure deficit (VPD). Two rice (Oryza sativa) varieties (NU838 and KD18) differing in growth characteristics and two weed species (Echinochloa crus-galli and Solanum nigrum) differing in their natural habitat were selected and grown hydroponically as monoculture or mixed culture at low or high VPD. N was supplied as 75%/25% or 25%/75% NH4+/NO3. N uptake rates were measured in the first week, whereas dry matter (DM), N concentration in the plant, total N uptake and the activities of nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase in the fresh leaves were determined two weeks after the onset of treatments. Independent of N source, both rice varieties and E. crus-galli took up a larger share of NH4+, whereas S. nigrum took up a larger share of NO3. N uptake of rice and E. crus-galli was hardly affected by N source, whereas high NO3 led to significantly higher N uptake rates and total N uptake of S. nigrum. NU838 showed a higher competitiveness against weeds than KD18. In competition, high NO3 decreased the competitiveness of E. crus-galli against NU838 but increased the competitiveness of S. nigrum against NU838. High VPD did not affect DM but increased N uptake of S. nigrum, leading to increased competitiveness of the weed at high transpirational demand. Competitiveness for N uptake appears to be an important trait as the relative N concentration in mixed plant communities was correlated with the activity of N-assimilating enzymes and leaf growth, with a stronger response in rice than in weeds. Our results support the hypothesis that increased availability of NO3 in aerobic rice soils may be advantageous for the competitiveness of upland weeds, especially at high VPD, whereas it may be disadvantageous for common lowland weeds.

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Abera, B.B., Senthilkumar, K., Cotter, M., Asch, F. 2021. Transplanting as an option to cope with abiotic stress in high-altitude lowland rice production systems in East-Africa. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, open access, https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12540


The current practice of direct seeding in East-African high-altitude rice farming systems is constrained by water availability early in the season and low temperatures later in the season at the crop's critical reproductive stage. Thus, productivity is restricted as only short-duration varieties can be grown due to the risk of crop failure. To fully exploit the yield potential of such rainfed systems, the best combination of crop establishment methods and climatic ‘best fit’ genotypes is required. In this study, nine rice genotypes were evaluated under direct seeding and transplanting in the 2016 and 2017 cropping seasons with the aim of identifying genotype by environment by management combinations best fitting the high-altitude, rainfed rice production systems. On average across all genotypes, transplanting had a positive yield effect of 18% in 2016 and 23% in 2017. Regarding the phenological development, individual phenophases were not significantly affected by transplanting relative to direct seeding; however, vegetative development stages in transplanted rice tended to be about 15% longer than when direct seeded. Even though transplanting led to extended vegetative growth, the time in the nursery allowed the plants to escape the cold spell late in the season. The results from the current study provide options to adapt cropping calendars by combining genetic resources with targeted crop management, thus improving and stabilizing yields of rainfed lowland rice farming systems at high altitude.

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Vu, H. D., Stuerz, S. , Asch F. 2021. Leaf gas exchange of lowland rice in response to nitrogen source and vapor pressure deficit. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 184 (4), 448-460.


Background: In anaerobic lowland fields, ammonium (NH4+) is the dominant form of nitrogen (N) taken up by rice plants, however, with the large expansion of water-saving irrigation practices, nitrification is favored during drained periods, leading to an increased availability of nitrate (NO3).
Aim: Since the uptake and assimilation of the two N-sources differ in their demand of photosynthates, leaf gas exchange may be subject to adjustments in response to N-sources, particularly at high evaporative demand, when stomatal conductance (gs) is very sensitive.
Methods: Three experiments were carried out to study leaf gas exchange of various lowland rice varieties in response to N-source at low and high vapor pressure deficit (VPD). In the first experiment, seedlings of 12 rice varieties were grown at high VPD for 3 weeks. From this, four rice varieties differing in gs and CO2 assimilation rate (A) were selected and grown for 2 weeks at low VPD, and after that, they were shifted to high VPD for 1 week, whereas in the third experiment, the same varieties were grown separately at low and high VPD conditions for 2 weeks. In all three experiments, plants were grown hydroponically in nutrient solution with N-sources as sole NH4+ or NO3.
Results: At high VPD, NO3 nutrition led to a higher gs and A in four out of 12 varieties (IR64, BT7, NU838, and Nipponbare) relative to NH4+ nutrition, while no effect was observed at low VPD or after a short-term exposure to high VPD. Further, varieties with a high intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEi; IR64 and BT7) showed the strongest response to N-source. Higher gs was partially supported by increased root/shoot ratio, but could not be fully explained by the measured parameters. However, higher A in NO3-fed plants did not always result in increased plant dry matter, which is probably related to the higher energy demand for NO3 assimilation. Our results suggest that at high VPD, NO3 nutrition can improve leaf gas exchange in varieties having a high WUEi, provided a sufficient water supply.
Conclusion: Therefore, intensified nitrification under water-saving irrigation measures may improve leaf gas exchange and the growth of rice plants under high transpirational demand. However, choice of variety seems crucial since large varietal differences were observed in response to N-source. Further, breeding strategies for genotypes adapted to aerobic soil conditions should consider responses to NO3, potentially using gas exchange measurements as a screening tool.

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Warth, B., Marohn, C., Asch, F. 2021. Improved simulation of plant-animal interactions in African savannas with the extended land use change model LUCIA. Ecological modelling 446 - 109496. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2021.109496


Process-based modelling is needed to assess potential ecological impacts of large-scale intensification of African savanna rangelands and to investigate major processes involved, that cannot be tested on appropriate temporal and spatial scales at field level. To date, modelling conversion or integration of crop- and pasture-based systems in savanna ecosystems is not possible at the necessary level of detail. The Land Use Change Impact Assessment tool (LUCIA) dynamically simulates spatially explicit impacts of land-use change on ecosystem functions within a grid-based landscape. We added a physiologically detailed source-sink plant growth module with growth reserves, dynamic biomass partitioning, and dormancy to LUCIA to simulate a grazed rangeland vegetation in Borana, Ethiopia. Grass and tree growth, validated against measured above-ground biomass time series were most sensitive to dormancy break or induction parameters that control the growing period under strong rainfall seasonality. A moderate stocking rate of cattle allowed pasture persistence and continuous fodder production. Overgrazing caused depletion of root and tree stem growth reserves that were needed for seasonal regrowth. Consequently, pasture degraded due to reduced regrowth capacity and reserve replenishment. Physiological processes are well represented, laying the foundation for integration of further ecological processes, such as tree recruitment, bush encroachment, and plant community shifts.

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Schmierer, M., Brueck, H., Asch, F., Sauerborn, J. 2021. Estimating the Quantum Requirements for Plant Growth and Related Electricity Demand for LED Lighting Systems. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit, Volume 16 (1), 35-43. DOI: 10.1007/s00003-021-01314-4


Indoor plant production systems with artificial lighting are considered an emerging technology contributing to biomass-based value webs. The viability of this concept greatly relies on the energy requirements (ER, Watt) for lighting. We estimated the ER for plant growth by calculating the conversion efficiency of electricity to light of solid-state light-emitting diodes (LED) and the quantum requirements for plant growth of a fictional plant stand producing 2500 g of dry weight per m2 of ground during 100 days, representing a high productivity benchmark of field crops. The quantum output (μmol s−1 W−1) of eight LEDs of different colours varied between 0.78 for green and 2.54 for deep red. Uncertainty in the H+ demand for ATP syn-thesis during photosynthesis, the relative portion of photorespiration and the fraction of light intercepted by plant canopies (fabs) were considered in a pessimistic (PA) and optimistic (OA) approach of calculation of ER. Cumulative ER were 606 and 265 kWh m−2 for the PA and OA scenarios. The energy conversion efficiencies in the PA and OA scenarios were 2.07 and 4.72%. Estimates of energy savings by suppressing photorespiration and increasing fabs vary between 24 and 38%. The peak daily ER were 9.44 and 4.14 kWh in the PA and OA scenarios. Results are discussed in the context of the design of lighting in indoor plant production systems and commercial greenhouses where natural fluctuation in solar radiation could be balanced by dimmable LED panels.

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Glatzle, S., Stuerz, S., Giese, M., Pereira, M., de Almeida, R. G., Bungenstab, D., Macedo, M. C. M., Asch, F. 2021. Seasonal dynamics of radiation, soil moisture, and aboveground grass biomass in a mature integrated-crop-livestock-forestry system in Central-West Brazil. Agriculture 11, 245. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11030245


Integrated‐crop‐livestock‐forestry (ICLF) systems are currently promoted as a measure for sustainable intensification of agricultural production. However, due to complex interactions among ICLF components, we are still lacking evidence about the system’s resilience regarding water availability, especially for regions characterized by pronounced wet and dry seasons and frequent droughts. For a mature ICLF system in the Cerrado biome of central‐west Brazil comprising rows of eucalyptus trees (Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla, H13 clone) at a spacing of 22 m in combination with Brachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Piatã pasture we continuously measured soil moisture (SM) until 1 m depth and supported this data with measurements of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and aboveground green grass biomass (AGBM) across transects between the tree rows for almost two years. Across the seasons a distinct gradient was observed with SM being lower close to the tree rows than in the space between them. During winter SM decreased to critical values near the tree lines in the topsoil. During spring and summer, incident PAR was 72% and 86% lower close to the trees than at the center point. For autumn and winter PAR was more evenly distributed between the tree rows due to inclination with notably up to four times more radiation input near the tree lines compared to spring and summer. AGBM showed a clear distribution with maximum values in the center and about half of the biomass close to the tree rows. Our data suggest that, restrictions in AGBM accumulation shifted among seasons between water limitations in winter and light limitations during summer. Interestingly, SM changes during wetting and drying events were most pronounced in subsoils near the tree rows, while the topsoil showed much less fluctuations. The subsoil in central position showed the lowest SM dynamics in response to drought maintaining a relative high and constant SM content, therefore functioning as important water reservoirs likely improving the resilience of the system to drought stress. Results of this study could help to improve management and the design of ICLF systems in view of sustainability and resistance to (water) crises but should be further supported by in depth analysis of soil water dynamics as affected by climate gradients, soil types and different management practices.

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Stuerz, S., Asch F. 2021. Responses of Rice Growth to Day and Night Temperature and Relative Air Humidity—Leaf Elongation and Assimilation. Plants 10, 134; https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10010134


Predictions of future crop growth and yield under a changing climate require a precise knowledge of plant responses to their environment. Since leaf growth increases the photosynthesizing area of the plant, it occupies a central position during the vegetative phase. Rice is cultivated in diverse ecological zones largely differing in temperature and relative air humidity (RH). To investigate the effects of temperature and RH during day and night on leaf growth, one variety (IR64) was grown in a growth chamber using 9 day/night regimes around the same mean temperature and RH, which were combinations of 3 temperature treatments (30/20 °C, 25/25 °C, 20/30 °C day/night temperature) and 3 RH treatments (40/90%, 65/65%, 90/40% day/night RH). Day/night leaf elongation rates (LER) were measured and compared to leaf gas exchange measurements and leaf area expansion on the plant level. While daytime LER was mainly temperature-dependent, nighttime LER was equally affected by temperature and RH and closely correlated with leaf area expansion at the plant level. We hypothesize that the same parameters increasing LER during the night also enhance leaf area expansion via shifts in partitioning to larger and thinner leaves. Further, base temperatures estimated from LERs varied with RH, emphasizing the need to take RH into consideration when modeling crop growth in response to temperature.

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Schmierer, M. Knopf, O., Asch, F. 2021. Growth and Photosynthesis Responses of a Super Dwarf Rice Genotype to Shade and Nitrogen Supply. Rice Science 28, 178−190.


Specific aspects of plant cultivation require tests under fully controlled environmental conditions such as those provided by a climate chamber, which generally is space limited. In addition, such tests are sometimes performed with restricted energy supply, as found in in orbit-based space laboratories, and as a result are in low-light conditions. For these growing conditions, super dwarf plants have been developed as model crops. For example, a gibberellin (GA) deficient super dwarf rice genotype was proposed as a model crop for space flight plant experiments. We tested this genotype in a climate chamber experiment under different illumination levels and different levels of nitrogen supply to assess its suitability as a test plant under scenarios with limited resource availability. A 25% reduction in illumination lead to a 75% reduction in yield, mainly due to a 60% reduction in formed tillers and 20% reduction in kernel weight, and an 80% reduction in illumination caused total yield loss. Whereas leaf area under reduced illumination was significantly lower, only marginal changes in the dimensions of single leaves were observed. Photosynthesis at growing light conditions was not different between control plants and plants under 75% illumination. This was explained by a higher photochemical efficiency under lower light conditions and a reduced mesophyll resistance. Therefore, we conclude that this genotype is well- suited for plant experiments under space and light-limited conditions since it keeps its small stature and does not show shade avoidance mechanisms, such as leaf elongation, that would complicate experiments under low-light conditions. Nitrogen concentrations of 2.8 and 1.4 mmol/L lead to no differences in plant growth. We conclude that a nitrogen concentration of 1.4 mmol/L is sufficient for this genotype under the light intensities that were applied here.

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Alemayehu, G., Shibabaw, A., Adgo, E., Asch, F., Freyer, B. 2020. Crop rotation and organic matter application restore soil health and productivity of degraded highland crop farms in northwest Ethiopia. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 6 (1), 1831124. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311932.2020.1831124


Potentials of pragmatic crop rotation practices and organic matter applications for restoration of soil health and productivity of degraded highland crop fields were studied for three rotation phases from 2013 to 2015 in northwest Ethiopia. Factorial combinations of five crop rotations (R1+ = bread wheat–clover–potato, R2+ = clover–bread wheat undersowing lupine–potato, R3+ = potato–clover–bread wheat, R4+ = bread wheat undersowing lupine–potato undersowing lupine–bread wheat, and R5+ = lupine–potato undersowing lupine–bread wheat) and four manure application rates [M1 = control/0tha−1 manure, M2 = 2.5 tha−1 sesbania green manure (SGM), M3 = 5 tha−1 fresh cattle manure (FCM), and M4 = 2.5 tha−1 SGM + 5 tha−1 FCM] were laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. Plus sign (+) with crop rotation indicated that crop residues and green manure of legumes at 50% flowering were incorporated into the soil. The results showed that soil properties and productivity of crops were markedly improved with three-year interventions of crop rotation and manure application. As compared to that of the initial before starting the experiment, soil bulk density, pH, CEC, and contents of organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorous, and exchangeable potassium were improved on average by about 23%, 18%, 67%, 89%, 150%, 89%, and 44%, respectively, with R1+M4 treatment combination in three-year period. Similarly, compared to that of 2013, productivity of bread wheat and potato increased on average by about 446% and 540% in 2015 with R3M4 and R1M4, respectively.

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Hoelle, J., Asch, F., Khan, A. Bonierbale, M. 2020. Phenology-adjusted stress severity index to assess genotypic responses to terminal drought in field grown potato. Agronomy 10(9), 1298; https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10091298


Potato is a drought susceptible, often rain-fed crop suffering strongly from even short periods of soil water deficit. With global environmental conditions changing, potato clones resistant to variable water supply are needed and identifying them is a major task. Many indices assessing potato tolerance to water deficit have been proposed, albeit none of them takes into account the severity of the stress or the sensitivity of the developmental stage during which the stress occurs. As a result, data obtained on genotypes in one location or season are normally not useful in another location or in a different season. We have developed an index evaluating yield response of potato to water deficit based on the soil tension the genotype was subjected to for the duration of the stress modified by the development stage of the genotype. The sum of the daily values was combined in a stress severity index (SSI). In total thirteen genotypes differing in duration and sensitivity to drought were subjected to four levels of deficit irrigation on two soil types at different development stages over two years. Early drought (early tuber filling) reduced yields up to 95% whereas late drought (late tuber bulking) reduced yields significantly less. SSI depended on the genotypic phenological development and on the soil tension values and ranges between 25 and 3500. The index differentiated genotypic responses well across treatments and soil types, even with these relatively advanced development stages, up to a value of 1000. Beyond 1000, yields were generally reduced by more than 60% and a differentiation between genotypes was not possible anymore. SSI constitutes a method that renders site, location, year, season, and soil type effects comparable for responses of potato clones to soil water deficit. Combining this measure of stress severity with other proposed indices may improve upon their current weaknesses in finding or identifying the underlying traits of drought tolerance in potato.

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Vu, H. D., Stuerz, S. , Asch F. 2020. Nutrient uptake and assimilation under varying day and night root zone temperatures in lowland rice. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 183, 602-614. DOI: 10.1002/jpln.201900522


Background: In flooded rice fields, root zone temperatures (RZT) are buffered by the ponded water layer. With global warming, a higher frequency of hot days and hot nights, and the introduc- tion of water-saving irrigation technologies, RZT are likely to vary more widely, particularly between night and day. Aim: It is not known how this will affect nutrient uptake of rice, particularly if the climate-driven transpirational demand increases simultaneously, since nutrient uptake at least partly depends on water uptake.
Methods: We investigated the effects of day and night RZT on water and nutrient uptake and nitrogen (N) metabolism under low and high vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Plants of two rice varieties (IR64 and NU838) were grown hydroponically at three root temperature levels (19, 24, and 29°C). For a period of seven days, fresh weight of the plants, nutrient contents of the nutrient solution (NH4+ ,NO3-, PO43-, K+), and water uptake were measured both at the end of the light period and at the end of the dark period. Nitrate reductase (NR), glutamine synthetase (GS), and amino acid (AA) concentrations in the youngest fully developed leaves were examined on the last day and night of the experiment.
Results: The share of day and night uptake of NH4+ and NO3- depended on RZT, whereas K+ uptake was higher during the day independent of RZT. Under low VPD, PO43- uptake rate did not differ between day and night, however, under high VPD, the uptake of PO43- varied between varieties and RZTs. Water uptake of the plants was strongly influenced by VPD, but not by RZT. In contrast, nutrient uptake was hardly influenced by VPD and did not correlate with water uptake, but linearly increased with RZT with an optimum temperature for nutrient uptake above 29°C. This increase was larger for NH4+ and NO3- than for PO43- and K+ shifting the nutrient requirements of rice. While the increase of nutrient uptake per °C did not differ between varieties under low VPD, IR64 showed a greater increase in nutrient uptake to RZT at day-time, whereas NU838 showed a greater increase at night-time under high VPD. The activities of NR and GS seemed to respond to the total daily N uptake rather than to different uptake rates during day or night, while AA concentration was strongly correlated to N uptake during the day.
Conclusions: With an optimum RZT for nutrient uptake above 29°C, rice plants could benefit from temperature increase caused by either different water management strategies or climate change if fertilizer management was adapted to the new, shifted requirements.

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Warth, B., Marohn, C., Asch, F. 2020. Modelling land use change effects on ecosystem functions in African Savannas – a review . Global Food Security 26, 100421, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2020.100421


In contrast to a pure cropping system, integrated crop-livestock systems offer a potential for sustainable intensification of pasture-based savanna systems by maintaining vital ecosystem functions (ESF) while providing stable crop yields in a changing environment. In all variations of the mentioned systems, vegetation and animals interact and influence ESFs in different ways and to different extents. However, to date, there is no comprehensive model available to simulate impacts of large-scale savanna land use change (LUC) on food provision and ESFs. We developed a catalogue of required functional model skills for savanna LUC simulation and analysed existing models against this catalogue by scoring. Based on the model scoring, we discuss challenges and opportunities of different model development pathways. Further steps of model integration and coupling are required to simulate interactions with socio-economic decision-making and LUC effects on wildlife.

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Schneider, P., Asch, F. 2020. Rice production and food security in Asian Mega deltas—A review on characteristics, vulnerabilities and agricultural adaptation options to cope with climate change.  Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206, 491-503. https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12415.


Asian Mega deltas (AMDs) are among the world´s most important rice‐growing areas and vital for food security. This review describes the major environmental and agricultural characteristics as well as current and future threats to food production and livelihood, using three AMDs as examples, namely the Ganges–Brahmaputra delta in Bangladesh, the Ayeyarwady delta in Myanmar and the Mekong River delta in Vietnam. In addition, we analysed the most widely used agricultural adaptation methods in these areas. The major threat to agriculture is salinity intrusion and water scarcity, which consequently leads to a shortage of irrigation water and yield reduction. The most common applied agricultural adaptation strategies are the use of salt‐tolerant varieties and the adjustment of cropping calendars, as well as the use of water‐saving technologies. It was found that there are many concepts that address individual problems, but a comprehensive and integrated concept for delta regions to adapt to climate change is still missing.

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Stuerz, S., Shrestha, S.P., Schmierer, M., Vu, D.H., Hartmann, J., Sow, A.,  Razafindrazaka, A., Abera, B.B., Chuma, B.A., Asch, F. 2020. Climatic determinants of lowland rice development. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206, 466-477. https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12419.


Accurate modelling of plant development is the basis for any assessment of climate change impact on crop yields. Most rice models simulate development (phenology) based on temperature and photoperiod, but often the reliability of these models is reduced beyond the environment they were calibrated for. In our study, we tested the effects of relative air humidity and solar radiation on leaf appearance rate in greenhouse experiments and analysed data sets from field studies conducted in two extremely different rice‐growing environments in Nepal and Senegal. We also analysed environmental effects on duration to flowering of one popular IRRI material (IR64) for eight different sites covering the entire temperature range where rice is widely cultivated. Both low relative air humidity and low solar radiation significantly decreased leaf appearance rate. Mean air temperature explained 81% of the variation in duration to flowering across sites, which was furthermore significantly influenced by relative air humidity. Across all sites, a simple linear regression approach including mean air temperature and mean relative humidity in the calculation of duration to flowering led to a root mean square error (RMSE) of 10 days, which was slightly lower than the RMSE of 11 days achieved with an automated calibration tool for parameter optimization of cardinal temperatures and photoperiod sensitivity. Parameter optimization for individual sites led to a much smaller prediction error, but also to large differences in cardinal temperatures between sites, mainly lower optimum temperatures for the cooler sites. To increase the predictive power of phenological models outside their calibration range and especially in climate change scenarios, a more mechanistic modelling approach is needed. A starting point could be including relative air humidity and radiation in the simulation procedure of crop development, and presumably, a closer link between growth and development procedures could help to increase the robustness of phenological models.

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Chuma, B.A., Cotter,M., Kalisa, A., Rajaona, A., Senthilkumar, K, Stuerz, S., Vincent, I., Asch, F. 2020. Altitude, temperature, and N Management effects on yield and yield components of contrasting lowland rice cultivars.  Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206, 456-465. https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12420.


Nitrogen (N) is one of the main nutrients that drive rice grain yield and is intensely managed especially in lowlands under irrigated conditions. A set of experiments was conducted in mid‐ and high‐altitude sites in Rwanda to investigate the response of five genotypes under different sowing dates and different N management. Genotype grain yields were higher and more stable at mid‐altitude across sowing dates. N rates strongly affected grain yield at mid‐altitude (p < .0001), but not at high altitude. Postponing basal N had positive effects on yield and yield components in both sites, with more pronounced effects at high altitude. Increasing N rate beyond 120 kg/ha led to a decrease in percentage of panicles per tiller and spikelet fertility and a decrease in grain yield due to excessive tillers at both high altitude and mid‐altitude. Thus, basal N application should be recommended at high altitude and the increase in N rate up to 120 kg/ha at mid‐altitude. A strict observation of recommended planting date should be followed at high altitude, and the use of cold‐tolerant genotypes is encouraged.

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Razafindrazaka, A., Stuerz, S., Cotter, M., Rajaona, A., Asch, F. 2020. Genotypic yield responses of lowland rice in high‐altitude cropping systems. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206, 444-455. https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12416.


Rising global mean temperatures open opportunities in high‐altitude production systems for temperature‐sensitive crops such as lowland rice. Currently, the cropping window for rice in higher altitudes is still narrow, and thus, genotypes that tolerate a certain degree of chilling are needed to achieve their potential yield. Final yield depends on the interaction between genotype and environmental conditions. Exposing the genotype to a wide range of environments is a way to evaluate its adaptability into an expanding cropping calendar. Over a 2‐year period, an experiment was conducted in lowland rice systems in Madagascar at two locations differing in altitude. Twenty genotypes with contrasting levels of tolerance to low temperature were sown monthly in a non‐replicated rice garden trial. Plant development was monitored and yield and yield components were determined. Yield stability across the different growing environments was investigated. While crop duration was affected by sowing dates and altitude, yield was mainly determined by sowing date. Panicle number per m2 and number of spikelets per panicle were the most limiting factors for yield potential in mid‐altitude, while in high altitude, yield was mainly limited by spikelet fertility. Resulting cropping calendar and genotype recommendations are discussed.

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Abera, B.B., Stuerz, S., Senthilkumar, K., Cotter, M., Rajaona, A., Asch, F. 2020.  Season‐specific varietal management as an option to increase rainfed lowland rice production in East African high altitude cropping systems. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206, 433-443. https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12418.


Due to land expansion and an increase in productivity, rice production in sub‐Saharan Africa has been growing at a rate of 6% in the past decade. Rainfed rice production systems have accounted for a large share of this expansion. In these systems, the potential growing period not only depends on the length of the rainy season and thus water availability, but is often, especially in the highlands of East Africa, bordered by the onset of the cool period of the year, when low minimum temperatures compromise rice yields. The objective of this study was to investigate the yield potential of 30 rice varieties contrasting in crop duration and cold tolerance in the highlands of East Africa, with its limited length of growing period. A field trial was conducted in the cropping seasons in 2016 and 2017 at the Fogera rice research station, Ethiopia. As a function of the onset of rains, rice was sown mid‐July in 2016 and early July in 2017. Early sowing in 2017 led to an extended crop duration and significantly lower yields of the short‐duration varieties, and to a shortened duration and significantly higher yields of the medium‐ and long‐duration varieties, when compared to late sowing in 2016. Late sowing compromised yield of the medium‐ and long‐duration varieties because of low temperatures during booting stage, which led to high spikelet sterility. Early sowing resulted in low yields of the short‐duration varieties, probably due to low solar radiation during the cloudy rainy season, which coincided with the vegetative stage. Therefore, choice of variety should be a function of the variable onset of the rainy season and related sowing date. However, crop models precisely calibrated for potential varieties and the respective environmental conditions could fully support the selection of a suitable variety, depending on the date of sowing, for example with the help of online tools or smartphone applications.

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Cotter, M., Asch, F., Abera, B.B., Chuma, B.A., Senthilkumar, K., Rajaona, A.,  Razafindrazaka, A., Saito, K., Stuerz, S. 2020. Creating the data basis to adapt agricultural decision support tools to new environments, land management and climate change—A case study of the RiceAdvice App. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206, 423-432. https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12421.


Increasing demand for land to ensure human food security in the future has already impelled agricultural production into marginal areas. The environmental conditions found there have a more pronounced impact on agricultural productivity than in the systems used so far under favourable conditions. In addition to this challenge, climate change is expected to increase the unreliability of weather conditions (through increased variability and occurrence of extremes) for farmers considerably. This unreliability is even more serious in developing countries’ farming system where food security is vulnerable. Current efforts in digitalization offer great possibilities to improve farmers` decision‐making processes. A wide range of online tools and smartphone applications is available to support both agricultural extension services and smallholder farmers alike. These apps are often parameterized and validated to certain environments and are troubled when applied to new geographical locations and different environmental conditions. We have conducted field trials to demonstrate potential methods to close knowledge gaps in the data background for one of these apps, RiceAdvice, concerning three key aspects: shifting of cropping calendar, adjustment of fertilizer management and genotype selection. Sites in Ethiopia, Madagascar and Rwanda were selected to represent altitudinal gradients, with overlapping elevations reflecting differences in temperature to enable cross‐country comparisons. Planting dates were distributed throughout three calendar years, with continuous iterative planting dates taking place in Madagascar, in‐ and off‐season planting dates in Rwanda with different fertilizer applications, and one planting date during each rainy season in Ethiopia with different management options. With these trials, we have been able to identify key data sets needed for the adaptation of agricultural decision support tools to new environments. These include the assessment of climatic constraints on innovations to cropping calendars (e.g. double cropping), informed selection of alternative varieties able to complete crucial parts of their phenological development to avoid temperature‐related stress inducing, for example spikelet sterility in rice in late development stages and the effectivity of potential innovations in fertilizer management strategies.

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Vo, T.B.T., Wassmann, R., Mai, V.T., Vu, D.Q., Bui, T.P.L., Vu, T.H., Dinh, Q.H., Yen, B.T., Asch, F., Sander, B.O. 2020.
Methane Emission Factors from Vietnamese Rice Production: Pooling Data of 36 Field Sites for Meta-analysis. Climate 8 (6), 74. https://doi.org/10.3390/cli8060074.


Rice production is a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the national budget of many Asian countries, but the extent of emissions varies strongly across agro-environmental zones. It is important to understand these differences in order to improve the national GHG inventory and effectively target mitigation options. This study presents a meta-analysis of CH4 database emission factors (EFs) from 36 field sites across the rice growing areas of Vietnam and covering 73 cropping seasons. The EFs were developed from field measurements using the closed chamber technique. The analysis for calculating baseline EFs in North, Central and South Vietnam in line with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier 2 methodology was specified for the three cropping seasons being early-(E), mid-(M) and late-year (L) seasons. Calculated average CH4 EFs are given in kg ha–1 d–1 and reflect the distinct seasons in North (E: 2.21; L: 3.89), Central (E: 2.84; M+L: 3.13) and South Vietnam (E: 1.72; M: 2.80; L: 3.58). Derived from the available data of the edapho-hydrological zones of the Mekong River Delta, season-based EFs are more useful than zone-based EFs. In totality, these average EFs indicate an enormous variability of GHG emissions in Vietnamese rice production and represent much higher values than the IPCC default. Seasonal EFs from Vietnam exceeded IPCC defaults given for Southeast Asia corresponding to 160% (E), 240% (M) and 290% (L) of the medium value, respectively.

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Chilagane, E. A., Saidia, P.S., Kahimba, F.C., Asch, F., Germer, J. U., Graef, F., Swai, E., Rweyemamu, C. L. 2020.
Effects of fertilizer micro-dose and in-situ rainwater harvesting technologies on growth and yield of pearl millet in a semi- arid environment. Agricultural Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40003-020-00454-7


Declining soil fertility and low rainfall are key constraints to crop production and are threatening food security in semi-arid areas. Applying inorganic fertilizer at reduced amount (micro-dose) and in situ rainwater harvesting using infiltration pits (IP) or tied ridges (TR) are low-input strategies to cope with these constraints. This work investigates the effect of integrating fertilizer with in situ rainwater harvesting technologies on pearl millet growth, yield and household profitability among Tanzanian smallholder farming communities. Split plot field experiments were conducted from 2015 to 2017 cropping seasons. Flat cultivation (FC) with zero fertilizer application resulted in lowest grain yield ranging from 297 to 453 kg/ha and in a negative net profit (NP). The highest yield of 2202 kg/ha was obtained upon the use of recommended rate under IP, but it resulted in negative NP. Infiltration pits under 25% micro-dose resulted in relative higher grain yield (778–2202 kg/ha) compared to TR (887–1915 kg/ha) and FC (592–1144 kg/ha); despite higher yield, it resulted in negative NP. Tied ridges and FC with micro-dose at 25% of recommended rate had a yield advantage ranging from 537 to 959 kg/ha and 295 to 455 kg/ha, respectively, compared to farmer practices, and both resulted in positive NP. The use of micro-dose at 25% of recommended rate along with TR or FC which gave higher grain yield and NP compared to farmers practice is recommended to resource-poor farmers for improved pearl millet productivity.

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Stuerz, S., Asch, F. 2019.
Responses of Rice Growth to Day and Night Temperature and Relative Air Humidity—Dry Matter, Leaf Area, and Partitioning. Plants, 8, 521; doi:10.3390/plants8110521


Asymmetric changes of day and night temperature have already been observed because of Climate Change. However, knowledge on environmental conditions either during day or night serving as trigger for growth processes is scarce. In this study, one rice (Oryza sativa) variety (IR64) was examined to assess the impact of varying temperatures and relative air humidities during day and night periods on biomass, leaf area, and dry matter partitioning between organs. Three different day and night temperature (30/20 °C, 25/25 °C, 20/30 °C) and relative air humidity (40/90%, 65/65%, 90/40%) regimes were established. The effect of relative air humidity on both plant dry matter and leaf area was larger than the effect of temperature, in particular low humidity had a strong negative impact during the night. With high day temperature, the shoot mass fraction increased, whereas the root mass fraction decreased. Specific leaf area increased at high night temperatures and led, along with the high leaf mass fraction at high night humidities, to higher growth rates. The results emphasize the importance of considering relative air humidity when focusing on plant responses to temperature, and strongly suggest that under asymmetric day and night temperature increases in the future, biomass partitioning rather than biomass itself will be affected.

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Saidia, P.S., Asch, F., Kimaro, A., Germer, J., Kahimba, F., Graef, F., Semoka, J., Rweyemamu, C.L. 2019.
Data in brief on inter-row rainwater harvest and fertilizer application on yield of maize and pigeon-pea cropping systems in sub humid tropics. Data in Brief 26, article number 104456. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104456


Soil moisture management and fertilizer micro-dosing on yield and land utilization efficiency of inter-cropping maize-pigeon-pea in sub humid Tanzania [1]. Farmers typically grow pigeon-pea as a mixed cropping system, the advances of these systems have been well studied, for example: increased productivity and rainfall infiltration. Much research has been done on cereal-pigeon pea intercropping on research stations, comparing yields in intercrops with sole maize. However, the role of inorganic fertilizers in sustainably intensifying intercropping systems has not been optimalised in all cases. For example in a recent study “Sustainable Intensification with Cereal-Legume Intercropping in Eastern and Southern Africa” published in Sustainability 2019, 11, 2891; https://doi.org/10.3390/su11102891, also the effect of inorganic fertilizers were studied. But usually these studies did not pay attention on the relation with water supply. Data in this article presents rainfall variability in the season and between seasons, yield of maize (Zea mays cv. TMV1) and pigeon-pea (Cajanus cajan cv. Babati White) under sole crop and intercropping. Yield of maize and pigeon-pea is analyzed under inter-row rainwater harvesting practices and fertilizer application in the field. Sole cropping and intercropping biological and/or economic yield are used to determine land use efficiency through land equivalent ratio. Comparisons between sites and seasons are done using a T-test.

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Hartmann, J., Asch, F. 2019.
Extraction, Storage Duration, and Storage Temperature Affect the Activity of Ascorbate Peroxidase, Glutathione Reductase, and Superoxide Dismutase in Rice Tissue. Biology 8, 70; doi:10.3390/biology8040070.


In experimental plant science, research often faces large numbers of tissue samples resulting from sequential harvests of a larger number of genotypes and treatments combinations. Analyses of biological processes such as enzyme kinetics are often time-consuming or need specific sample preparation procedures before the actual measurements can be done. Time is thus often the critical factor and the possibility to store plant samples either as tissue or as extracts increases the available timeframe for analyses. Biological molecules such as enzymes often change their activities when stored and thus do not reflect the processes occurring in living tissue. We investigated the effect of different storage methods such as freeze-drying, freezing at −20 °C, and freezing at −80 °C on the activity of three enzymes known as antioxidants, namely ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and superoxide dismutase from two rice varieties. Varieties differed in enzyme activity in extracts of fresh material from leaf blades, leaf sheaths, and roots. When subjected to different storage methods, there were no differences between varieties, but strong effects of the different storage methods on enzyme activities were found. The effects of the storage methods on enzyme activity strongly differed between extracts from stored tissue samples or extracts stored from freshly sampled material. We propose enzyme-specific storage methods and durations that allow for expanding the window for analyses in large experimental studies involving destructive samplings for enzyme kinetics.

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Saidia, P.S., Asch, F., Kimaro, A., Germer, J., Kahimba, F., Graef, F., Semoka, J., Rweyemamu, C.L. 2019.
Soil moisture management and fertilizer micro-dosing on yield and land utilization efficiency of inter-cropping maize-pigeon-pea in sub humid Tanzania, Agricultural Water Management 223, 105712.


Principally caused by soil water stress and declining soil fertility, low crop productivity results in both food and income insecurity. The effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer micro-dosing with inter-row rainwater harvesting practices for maize and pigeon-pea inter-cropping on yield and land use efficiency are inadequately documented in sub humid tropics. A field experiment on sandy loam soils in sub humid conditions using a split-split plot design was conducted. Plots used in situ rainwater harvesting practices of tied ridges, open ridges, and flat cultivation. Sub-plots were sole maize, sole pigeon-pea, and 1:1 maize-pigeon pea inter-cropping. The sub-sub plots were control, fertilizer (N and P) application at the micro-dose level, and recommended rates. Tied ridges significantly (p < 0.001) conserved more soil moisture than flat cultivation at 30 cm depth after ten days of rainfall. Ridges increased maize yield by 0.3 t ha−1 over flat cultivation. Fertilizer application significantly (p < 0.001) increased maize yield by 1.12 t ha−1 with micro-dosing and by 1.60 t ha−1 with recommended rates over the control. Combining tied ridges and fertilizer significantly (p < 0.040) increased maize yield by 132–156% compared to flat cultivation without fertilizer. Reflecting a land equivalent ratio, land use efficiency was 67–122% higher in inter-cropping than sole crop. Tied ridges conserved more soil moisture than flat cultivation, enhancing fertilizer use efficiency that improved crop yields and land equivalent ratio under inter-cropping. This strategy could increase food availability and income generation under smallholder farming systems in sub-humid tropic areas.

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Reinhardt, N., Schaffert, A., Chilangne, E., Swai, E., Rweyemamu, C., Germer, J., Asch, F. Herrmann, L. 2019.
The role of soil and land information in technology transfer targeting subsistence farmers in central Tanzania. Experimental Argiculture, DOI: 10.1017/S0014479719000103


This article deals with technology transfer from science to agriculture with pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.)R.Br.) in central Tanzania as example. The major question is which validity recommendations from different types of field experiments have and how geo-information (i.e. soil and landscape position) can lead to more site-specific recommendations. Tied ridging and reduced amounts of placed fertilizer during sowing were tested to increase yields on researcher-managed plots on-station, demonstration plots in villages, and farmer-managed plots on-farm. While on-station trials provided potential yield effects, physical distance to the station and differing conditions led to a higher informational value of village plots that mirror the context of local farmers. The treatments often resulted in significant yield increase. Soil and relief information and distance to settlements (i.e. gradient of management intensity) are key factors for data variability in on-farm trials. Unexplained variability is introduced through leaving degrees of freedom with respect to management to the farmer. Apart from soil and physiographic information, the latter should be part of a detailed data collection procedure in agronomic trials in large numbers addressing Sub-Saharan smallholder farming. Balanced data sets with dispersed trials on crucial soil and relief units are essential for future research.

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Schneider, P., Sander B.O., Wassmann, R., Asch, F. 2019.
Potential and versatility of WEAP software (Water Evaluation and Planning System) for impact assessments of Alternate Wetting and Drying in irrigated rice. Agricultural Water Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2019.03.030


The production of irrigated rice is increasingly challenged by freshwater scarcity. Water saving technologies such as Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) allow sustaining production levels under reduced water availability. Before implementing such innovations on a large scale, their hydrological impact on the system needs to be assessed. This study investigated the applicability of the water management tool WEAP (Water Evaluation and Planning System) for evaluating the effects of AWD on water use and water resources at field and irrigation system level for two different case studies in Central Luzon, the Philippines. In the first study, the Zeigler Experiment Station (ZES) of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) was used for parameterization of WEAP and field-scale assessment of AWD, making use of the availability of spatially and temporally highly resolved data. In the second study, WEAP was applied to an irrigation scheme in the Philippines, the Angat-Maasim River Irrigation System (AMRIS) to assess effects on up- and downstream water resources using lower resolution data. Simulated AWD implementation during the dry season reduced water requirements by 12–27% and 34.3% on ZES and AMRIS, respectively. Additionally, AWD implementation enhanced streamflow in main and lateral canals, and thus increased water availability in the entire irrigation system. We also conducted an ex-ante assessment of future freshwater availability assuming reduced precipitation due to climate change effects alongside with irrigation supply at current levels. WEAP showed that water levels in the reservoir will substantially decline under these circumstances leading to severe water stress in AMRIS. Implementing AWD in such a scenario improved water availability in the system by up to 50%. WEAP proved to be a suitable tool for upscaling different irrigation techniques and assessing their impact on water resources on a large scale. Limitations of the approach and future possibilities for improvements are discussed.

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Thellmann, K., Golbon, R., Cotter, M., Cadisch, G., Asch, F. 2019.
Assessing hydrological ecosystem services in a rubber-dominatedwatershed under scenarios of land use and climate change. Forests, 10 (2), 176; DOI: 10.3390/f10020176.


Land use and climate change exert pressure on ecosystems and threaten the sustainable supply of ecosystem services (ESS). In Southeast-Asia, the shift from swidden farming to permanent cash crop systems has led to a wide range of impacts on ESS. Our study area, the Nabanhe Reserve in Yunnan province (PR China), saw the loss of extensive forest areas and the expansion of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.) plantations. In this study, we model water yield and sediment export for a rubber-dominated watershed under multiple scenarios of land use and climate change in order to assess how both drivers influence the supply of these ESS. For this we use three stakeholder-validated land use scenarios, varying in their degree of rubber expansion and land management rules. As projected climate change varies remarkably between different climate models, we combined the land use scenarios with datasets of temperature and precipitation changes, derived from nine General Circulation Models (GCMs) of the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) in order to model water yield and sediment export with InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs). Simulation results show that the effect of land use and land management decisions on water yield in Nabanhe Reserve are relatively minor (4% difference in water yield between land use scenarios), when compared to the effects that future climate change will exert on water yield (up to 15% increase or 13% decrease in water yield compared to the baseline climate). Changes in sediment export were more sensitive to land use change (15% increase or 64% decrease) in comparison to the effects of climate change (up to 10% increase). We conclude that in the future, particularly dry years may have a more pronounced effect on the water balance as the higher potential evapotranspiration increases the probability for periods of water scarcity, especially in the dry season. The method we applied can easily be transferred to regions facing comparable land use situations, as InVEST and the IPCC data are freely available.

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Kurtz, D. B., Giese, M., Asch, F., Windisch, S. H., Goldfarb, M. C. 2018.
Effects of High Impact Grazing on Species Diversity and Plant Functional Groups in Grasslands of Northern Argentina. Sustainability 2018, 10, 3153; doi.org/10.3390/su10093153.


High impact grazing (HIG) was proposed as a management option to reduce standing dead biomass in Northern Argentinean (Chaco) rangelands. However, the effects of HIG on grassland diversity and shifts in plant functional groups are largely unknown but essential to assess the sustainability of the impact. During a two-year grazing experiment, HIG was applied every month to analyze the seasonal effects on plant species composition and plant functional groups. The results indicate that irrespective of the season in which HIG was applied, the diversity parameters were not negatively affected. Species richness, the Shannon–Wiener diversity index and the Shannon’s equitability index did not differ from the control site within a 12-month period after HIG. While plant functional groups of dicotyledonous and annual species could not benefit from the HIG disturbance, C3-, C4-monocotyledonous and perennials increased their absolute and relative green cover. Our results suggest that HIG, if not applied in shorter frequencies than a year, neither alters diversity nor shifts the plant species composition of the grassland plant community, but instead it promotes previously established rather competitive species. HIG could therefore contribute as an alternative management practice to the sustainable land use intensification of the “Gran Chaco” grassland ecosystem and even counteract the encroachment of “low value” species.

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Saidia, P.S., Rweyemamu, C.L., Asch, F., Semoka, J.M.R., Kimaro, A.A., Germer, J., Graef, F., Lagweni, P., Kahimba, F., Chilagane, E.F. 2018.
Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Micro-Doses on Maize Growth and Yield in a Sub-Humid Tropical Climate. Annals of Biological Research 9 (2): 20-35


Inadequate knowledge on fertilizer usage and poor financial resources are among the reasons for low maize productivity under small-scale farming. Fertilizer micro-dosing may increase food production by using low rates which are affordable by most resource poor farmers and have a high investment return. A two-year field experiment was conducted on sandy loam and sandy clay soils being typical representatives of sub-humid tropical agroecological zones. A split-plot design involved di-ammonium phosphate (DAP), Minjingu mazao (MM) and triple super phosphate (TSP) as main plots and fertilizer micro-dose rates of 10 kg N and 5 kg P/ha, 20 kg N and 10 kg P/ha, 40 kg N and 20 kg P/ha, 60 kg N and 30 kg P/ha, recommended rate 80 kg N and 40 kg P ha-1 and control as sub-plots. Phosphate fertilizers that produced highest grain yield were MM (2317 kg/ha), followed by DAP (2173 kg/ha) and TSP (2115 kg/ha). Fertilizer micro dose rates (10 kg N and 5 kg P/ha; 20 kg N and 10 kg P/ha) increased the yield by 90.5 and 136.6% from 1012 kg/ha in control, respectively. Intermediate rates (40 kg N and 20 kg P/ha) and (60 kg N and 30 kg P/ha) produced average grain yields of 2629 and 2647 kg/ha while the recommended rate produced 2601 kg/ha. The highest grain yield was 3910 kg/ha from MM at 40 kg N and 20 kg P/ha. Considering the micro-dose options therefore, MM fertilizer and micro dose

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Thellmann, K., Cotter, M., Baumgartner, S., Treydte, A., Cadisch, G., Asch, F. 2018.
Tipping Points in the Supply of Ecosystem Services of a Mountainous Watershed in Southeast Asia. Sustainability 10, 2418. doi:10.3390/su10072418


Rubber plantations have expanded at an unprecedented rate in Southeast Asia in recent decades. This has led to a substantial decline in the supply of ecosystem services (ESS) and has reduced livelihood options and socioeconomic well-being in rural areas. We assessed the impact of two land use scenarios on the supply of ESS in a mountainous watershed in Xishuangbanna Prefecture, People’s Republic of China. We combined time-series data derived from spatially explicit ESS models (InVEST) with a sequential, data-driven algorithm (R-method) to identify potential tipping points (TPs) in the supply of ESS under two rubber plantation expansion scenarios. TPs were defined as any situation in which the state of a system is changed through positive feedback as a result of accelerating changes. The TP analysis included hydrological, agronomical, and climate-regulation ESS, as well as multiple facets of biodiversity (habitat quality for vertebrate, invertebrate, and plant species). We identified regime shifts indicating potential tipping points, which were linked to abrupt changes in rubber yields, in both scenarios at varying spatial scales. With this study, we provide an easily applicable method for regional policy making and land use planning in data-scarce environments to reduce the risk of traversing future TPs in ESS supply for rubber producing land use systems.

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Graef, F., Mutabazi, K.D., Sieber, S., Asch, F., Makoko, B., Bonatti, M., Brüntrup, M., Gornott, C., Herrmann, L., Herrmann, R. et al. 2018.
Multi-Disciplinary North-South Collaboration in Participatory Action Research on Food Value Chains: a German-Tanzanian Case Study on Perceptions, Experiences and Challenges. Systemic Practice and Action Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11213-018-9458-7


Upgrading local food value chains is a promising approach to invigorating African food systems. This endeavour warrants multi-disciplinary North-South collaboration and partnerships through participatory action research (PAR) to help leverage appropriate upgrading strategies (UPSs) with a focus on local stakeholders. The more disciplines, cultures, and partner institutions that are involved, the more a project will present challenges in terms of communication and coordinating activities. Our aim was to determine the costs and investigate whether PAR with a multi-disciplinary approach was feasible in rural Tanzania with over 600 local stakeholders and more than 100 scientists. This article presents a self-evaluation of the collaboration and communication of project scientists during their research activities. Despite the overall high satisfaction, the more complex and complicated PAR activities required more cooperation, instructions and communication among the project scientists than had been anticipated in this multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural, and multi–institutional context, resulting in greater tension and dissatisfaction. The findings indicate that this type of large multi-disciplinary PAR is challenging in terms of flexibility in the planning of research activities, the administration of finances, and cross-cultural communication. Potential avenues to overcome these obstacles include a) more communication on PAR activities across cultures to develop a shared vocabulary; b) developing other modes of shared responsibility for a more horizontal collaboration; and c) more face-to-face cross-cultural activities to overcome cultural, disciplinary and geographical distance.

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Atique-ur-Rehman, Farooq, M., Rashid, A., Nadeem, F., Stuerz, S., Asch, F., Bell, R.W., Siddique, K.H.M. 2018
Boron nutrition of rice in different production systems. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38 (3), art. no. 25.


Half of the world’s population—more than 3.5 billion people—depend on rice for more than 20% of their daily energy requirements. Rice productivity is under threat for several reasons, particularly the deficiency of micronutrients, such as boron (B). Most rice-based cropping systems, including rice–wheat, are facing B deficiency as they are often practiced on high pH and alkaline soils with low B contents, low soil organic matter, and inadequate use of B fertilizer, which restricts the availability, uptake, and deposition of B into grains. Farmers’ reluctance to fertilize rice fields with B—due to the lack of cost-effective B-enriched macronutrient fertilizers—further exacerbates B deficiency in rice-based cropping systems. Here we review that, (i) while rice can tolerate excess B, its deficiency induces nutritional disorders, limits rice productivity, impairs grain quality, and affects the long-term sustainability of rice production systems. (ii) As B dynamics in the soil varies between flooded and aerobic rice systems, different B deficiency management strategies are needed in rice-based cropping systems. (iii) Correct diagnosis of B deficiency/toxicity in rice; understanding its interaction with other nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium; and the availability and application of B fertilizers using effective methods will help to improve the sustainability and productivity of different rice production systems. (iv) Research on rice-based systems should focus on breeding approaches, including marker-assisted selection and wide hybridization (incorporation of desirable genes), and biotechnological strategies, such as next-generation DNA and RNA sequencing, and genetic transformations to develop rice genotypes with improved B contents and abilities to acquire B from the soil. (v) Different B application strategies—seed priming and foliar and/or soil application—should be included to improve the performance of rice, particularly when grown under aerobic conditions.

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Shibabaw, A., Alemayehu, G., Adgo, E., Asch, F., Freyer, B. 2018
Effects of organic manure and crop rotation system on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber yield in the highlands of Awi Zone. Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology 11, 1-18.


Lack of sustainable soil fertility management system is a critical challenge in the highlands of Awi Zone. Important physicochemical properties of the soil are below the critical level to support crop growth. Hence, a study was undertaken with the aim of improving the yield of potato through organic treatments and sound crop rotation system. Two rotation systems and four levels of organic treatments were factorially arranged and laid out in RCBD with four replications. The organic treatments were: V1 = 0 t/ha farmyards manure (FYM); V2 = 2.5 t/h fresh sesbania green manure (FSB) V3 = 5 t/ha FYM; and V4 = 5 t/ha FYM +2.5 t/ha FSB applied in fixed plots for three years. Indeed, the rotation systems varied from year to year to estimate the changes in potato tuber yields due to the differences in crop rotation systems. Tuber yields of potato showed increasing trend over the period of the three years with the lowest in the first year, intermediate in the second year and the highest in the third year across all treatments. Among all, the highest total potato tuber yield (35.15 t/ha) was obtained at the combined application of 5 t/ha FYM +2.5 t/ha FSB and clover-wheat-potato rotation system in the third year. The treatment combination increased total potato tuber yield by 140% and 41% over that of the first and the second years and would be recommended as ecologically sound option in improving the productivity of potato.

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Hartmann, J., Asch, F. 2018.
Micro-method to determine iron concentrations in plant tissues using 2,2' bipyridine. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, in press.


Research often needs to determine iron (Fe) concentrations in plant tissue samples. Current established methods depend on equipment and often require skilled laboratory staff, large sample sizes and are relatively slow and expensive. We propose an efficient and fast method for measuring Fe concentrations of small rice samples via a microplate reader using sodium dithionite (SDT) as reducing agent and dipyridyl (DPD) as coloring agent. The results show that the method yields results comparable to ICP-OES measurements which were used as standard method. Different concentrations of the chemicals used were tested for extraction, reducing power, and coloring efficiency to optimize the method for the range of concentrations to be expected in rice under toxic Fe conditions. Best results were obtained using 500 mM SDT and 10 mM DPD, a sample size of 0.01g dry weight, and Fast Prep as extraction method. A linear calibration curve was obtained for 0 to 100 mg kg-1 iron within the measured samples. The method proposed here was successfully applied to measure total Fe concentration in oven-dried, milled plant samples. Applicability of the method for tissues other than rice and suboptimal extraction methods are discussed.

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Thellmann, K., Blagodatsky, S., Häuser, I., Liu, H., Wang, J., Asch, F., Cadisch, G., Cotter, M. 2017
Assessing Ecosystem Services in Rubber Dominated Landscapes in South-East Asia—A Challenge for Biophysical Modeling and Transdisciplinary Valuation. Forests 2017, 8 (12), 505; doi:10.3390/f8120505


The concept of ecosystem services (ESS) has been increasingly recognized for its potential in decision making processes concerning environmental policy. Multidisciplinary projects on rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) cultivation, integrating research on a variety of ESS, have been few and far between. More than three years of iterative workshops with regional stakeholders resulted in the development of future land use scenarios for our study area in Xishuangbanna, PR China. We used the InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs) modeling framework to analyze their impact on sediment retention, water yield, habitat quality, and carbon sequestration and developed a model for assessing rubber yields. We investigated the percentage deviations of integrated ESS indices in each scenario, as compared to the initial state of 2015 and as a novelty used different statistical weighting methods to include rankings for the preference of ESS from three contrasting stakeholder groups. The business-as-usual scenario (BAU, continuous rubber expansions) revealed an increase in rubber yields trading off against all other ESS analyzed. Compared to BAU, the measures introduced in the balanced-trade-offs scenario (reforestation, reduced herbicide application, riverine buffer zones, etc.) reduced the total amount of rubber yield but enhanced habitat quality and regulating ESS. The results show that the integrated indices for the provisioning of ESS would be overestimated without the inclusion of the stakeholder groups. We conclude that policy regulations, if properly assessed with spatial models and integrated stakeholder feedback, have the potential to buffer the typical trade-off between agricultural intensification and environmental protection.

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Shibabaw, A., Alemayehu, G., Adgo, E., Germer, J., Asch, F., Freyer, B. 2017
Growth and biomass yield response of clover (Trifolium decorum) to preceding crop and organic treatment in the highlands of Awi Administrative Zone, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology 10, 151- 164.


Low soil fertility status is a dominant challenge in Ethiopian agriculture for decades. Organic amendment from different sources could help to rebuild the soil fertility status of the country. Hence, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the outcome of organic treatment and preceding crops on growth and biomass yield of clover. Four levels of organic treatments (V1= 0 t ha-1 FYM; V2 = 5 t ha-1 FYM; V3 = 2.5 t ha-1 FSB and V4 = 5 t ha-1 FYM +2.5 t ha-1 FSB) and two levels of crop rotation patterns (R1 = wheat - clover and R2 = potato-clover) were factorially arranged and laid out in a completely randomized block design (RCBD) with four replications. Plant height, number of tillers plant-1, number of nodules plant-1, root biomass plant-1 and above ground biomass of clover was recorded and analyzed using SAS system. The overall experimental results showed that only the main effect of organic amendment had a significant effect on the growth and biomass yield of clover. The highest total dry biomass (5.6 t ha-1) of clover was recorded at 5 t ha-1 FYM +2.5 t ha-1 FSB. The unfertilized control gave the lowest mean dry biomass (3.06 t ha-1) of clover compared to all other treatments. Thus, 5 t ha-1 FYM +2.5 t ha-1 FSB could be recommended for better biomass yield of clover. The finding could bridge the chronic green manure and livestock feed shortage of the district.

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Cotter, M., Asch F., Hilger T., Rajaona, A., Schappert, A., Stuerz, S., Yang, X. 2017.
Measuring leaf area index in rubber plantations − a challenge. Ecological Indicators 82, 357-366


In order to estimate water use, water requirements and carbon sequestration of tropical plantation systems such as rubber it is adamant to have accurate information on leaf area development of the plantation as the main determinant of evapotranspiration. Literature commonly suggests a number of different methods on how to obtain leaf area index (LAI) information from tree plantation systems. Methods include destructive measurements of leaf area at peak LAI, indirect methods such as gap fraction methods (i.e. Hemiview and LAI 2000) and radiation interception methods (i.e. SunScan) or litter fall traps. Published values for peak LAI in rubber plantation differ widely and show no clear trend to be explained by management practices or the influence of local climate patterns. This study compares four methods for determining LAI of rubber plantations of different ages in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, PR China. We have tested indirect measurement techniques such as light absorption and gap fraction measurements and hemispherical image analysis against litter fall data in order to obtain insights into the reliability of these measuring techniques for the use in tropical tree plantation systems. In addition, we have included data from destructive harvesting as a comparison. The results presented here clearly showed that there was no consistent agreement between the different measurements. Site, time of the day and incoming radiation all had a significant effect on the results depending on the devices used. This leaves us with the conclusion that the integration of published data on LAI in rubber into broad ranging assessments is very difficult to accomplish as the accuracy of the measurements seems to be very sensitive to a number of factors. This diminishes the usefulness of literature data in estimating evapotranspiration from rubber plantations and the induced environmental effects, both on local as well as regional levels.

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Gorim, L., Asch, F. 2017
Seed coating with hydro-absorbers as potential mitigation of early season drought in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Biology 6, 33; doi:10.3390/biology6030033


Climate change poses a threat to sorghum production systems by shifting the onset of the rainy season to a later date, increasing the risk of crop failure during crop establishment. The effects of drought on sorghum during seedling establishment have not been determined. Coating seeds with a water absorbing substance offers a way to buffer the seed against insufficient moisture in the surrounding soil. Seeds of two different sorghum varieties were coated with one of two commercially available hydro-absorbers: Stokosorb® and Geohumus®. These hydro-absorbers have the capacity to store water several times their own weight. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of the cited hydro-absorbers on early seedling growth of two sorghum landraces under different levels of soil water deficit. Seedlings were grown for 12 days under three water availability levels (Field capacity (FC), 50% of FC, and 25% of FC). The seedlings under water limited treatments were subsequently re-watered. Biomass, root length, plant height, leaf area, and leaf extension rate were monitored in two-day intervals for 24 days. Coating strongly affected seedling growth both under fully watered and water deficit conditions. Sorghum varieties differed in their responses to both soil water deficit and coating materials. In general, Stockosorb improved seedling performance under water limited conditions particularly by promoting root growth, whereas Geohumus did not.

link to the open access paper here

Gorim, L., Asch, F. 2017
Seed coating increases seed moisture uptake and restricts embryonic oxygen availability in germinating cereal seeds. Biology 6, 31; doi:10.3390/biology6020031


Seed coating is a technology to improve germination and homogenize stand establishment. Although coating often results in lower germination rates, seeds that do germinate grow more vigorously and show strongly reduced respiratory losses during reserve mobilization. We hypothesize that the higher mobilization efficiency is due to a shift in the enzymatic cleavage of sucrose from invertase to sucrose synthase in the embryonic tissue caused by a reduced oxygen availability induced by oversaturation with water caused by the coating during early germination. We investigated the effect of coating on barley, rye, and wheat seed imbibition during the first 30 h after seeds were placed in moisture. We profiled oxygen in the embryos and measured sucrose and acid invertase levels as imbibition progressed. We found that seeds within coatings absorbed significantly more moisture than uncoated seeds. Coating resulted in near anoxic oxygen concentrations in the developing embryonic tissues in all three species. In barley, sucrose was not cleaved via the invertase pathway, despite the fact that invertase activity in coated seeds was increased. In rye and wheat, invertase activities were significantly lower in embryos from coated seeds without significantly changing the sugar composition.

link to the open access paper here

Farooq, M., Arshad, S., Asch, F., Krishna, J., Prasad, P.V., Siddique, K. 2017
Thermal stress impacts reproductive development and grain yield in rice. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 115, 57-72.


Rice is highly sensitive to temperature stress (cold and heat), particularly during the reproductive and grain-filling stages. In this review, we discuss the effects of low- and high-temperature sensitivity in rice at various reproductive stages (from meiosis to grain development) and propose strategies for improving the tolerance of rice to terminal thermal stress. Cold stress impacts reproductive development through (i) delayed heading, due to its effect on anther respiration, which increases sucrose accumulation, protein denaturation and asparagine levels, and decreases proline accumulation, (ii) pollen sterility owing to tapetal hypertrophy and related nutrient imbalances, (iii) reduced activity of cell wall bound invertase in the tapetum of rice anthers, (iv) impaired fertilization due to inhibited anther dehiscence, stigma receptivity and ability of the pollen tube to germinate through the style towards the ovary, and (v) floret sterility, which increases grain abortion, restricts grain size, and thus reduces grain yield. Heat stress affects grain formation and development through (i) poor anther dehiscence due to restricted closure of the locules, leading to reduced pollen dispersal and fewer pollen on the stigma, (ii) changes in pollen proteins resulting in significant reductions in pollen viability and pollen tube growth, leading to spikelet sterility, (iii) delay in heading, (iv) reduced starch biosynthesis in developing grain, which reduces starch accumulation, (v) increased chalkiness of grain with irregular and round-shaped starch granules, and (vi) a shortened grain-filling period resulting in low grain weight. However, physiological and biotechnological tools, along with integrated management and adaptation options, as well as conventional breeding, can help to develop new rice genotypes possessing better grain yield under thermal stress during reproductive and grain-filling phases.

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Kisambo, B. K., Pfister, J., Schaffert, A., Asch, F. 2016
Leaf area dynamics and aboveground biomass of specific vegetation types of a semi-arid grassland in southern Ethiopia. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 19, 253-262.


Leaf Area Index (LAI) dynamics and aboveground biomass of a semi-arid grassland region in Southern Ethiopia were determined over a long rain season. The vegetation was categorized into four distinct vegetation types namely Grassland (G), Tree-Grassland (TG), Bushed-Grassland (BG) and Bush-Tree grassland (BT). LAI was measured using a Plant Canopy Analyzer (LAI2000). Biomass dynamics of litter and herbaceous components were determined through clipping while the aboveground biomass of trees and shrubs were estimated using species-specific allometric equations from literature. LAI showed a seasonal increase over the season with the maximum recorded in the BG vegetation (2.52). Total aboveground biomass for the different vegetation types ranged from 0.61 ton C/ha in areas where trees were non-existent to 8.80 ± 3.81ton C/ha in the Tree-Grassland vegetation in the study site. A correlation of LAI and AGB yielded a positive relationship with an R2 value of 0.55. The results demonstrate the importance of tropical semi-arid grasslands as carbon sinks hence their potential in mitigation of climate change.

Kurtz, D. B., Asch, F., Giese, M., Huelsebusch, C., Goldfarb, M. C., Casco, J. F., 2016
High impact grazing as a management tool to optimize biomass growth in northern Argentinean grassland. Ecological Indicators 63, 100-109.


Grasslands are the main source of feed for cattle in Argentina. Standing dead biomass accumulation threatens efficient resource use. The effect and timing of high impact grazing by cattle as a management tool to remove excess standing dead biomass was studied in grasslands of North Eastern Argentina. High impact grazing (HIG) was introduced monthly on adjacent paddocks over the course of the year and its effects were studied for 12 months following the treatment. Dynamics of biomass re-growth and accumulation of green and standing dead biomass were studied. HIG generally improved the green to total biomass ratio and reduced the overall biomass in the paddocks. Strong seasonal dynamics in the biomass growth rates strongly influenced the effects of timing of the HIG. All sub-plots subjected to HIG showed a growth pattern anti-cyclic to control, with an active growth phase during autumn when the biomass in the control sub-plots decreased. Best results in terms of standing dead biomass reduction and dead to green biomass ratios were achieved after HIG in winter. HIG in autumn, however, reduced fodder availability and reduced next year's grassland's productivity. We propose strategically (carefully) timed HIG not only as an alternative method to reduce standing dead biomass, but also as a pathway to sustainable intensification by providing green forage at levels equal or even higher than those achieved under continuous traditional grazing.

Tatar,Ö.,  Brueck, H.,  Asch, F., 2015
Photosynthesis and Remobilization of Dry Matter in Wheat as Affected by Progressive Drought Stress at Stem Elongation Stage, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, DOI: 10.1111/jac.12160.

With increasingly erratic rainfall patterns particularly in drought-prone production systems, the capacity of plants to recover productively from drought spells becomes an important feature for yield stability in rainfed agriculture. Consequently, effects of water management at the stem elongation stage on partitioning and remobilization of dry matter, alteration in photosynthesis and water-use efficiency (WUE), and yield components of wheat plants were studied in a glasshouse pot experiment. The plants were subjected to three soil moisture regimes: well watered during all phenological stages (WW), drought affected during stem elongation and post-anthesis stages (DD) and drought affected during stem elongation and rewatered at post-anthesis stage (DW). Total dry weight substantially decreased by both drought treatments. However, DD plants allocated relatively higher assimilates to roots whereas DW plants remobilized them to the grains. Drought applications resulted in a decrease of grain yield and thousand grain weight while reduction was more pronounced in DD treatment. Relative contribution of post-anthesis photosynthesis to dry matter formation in grain was higher in WW treatment (72.6 %) than DD (68.5 %) and DW (68.2 %) treatments. Photosynthetic rate, gas exchange and transpiration decreased whereas leaf (photosynthetic) and plant level WUE increased with drought applications. However, all these parameters were rapidly and completely reversed by rewatering. Our findings showed that partitioning of dry weight to grain increases with rewatering of wheat plants subjected to drought during stem elongation phase, but the relative contributions of remobilization of stem reserves and post-anthesis photosynthesis to grain did not change. Moreover, rewatering of plants at booting stage after a drought period lead to full recovery in photosynthesis and WUE, and a significant although partial recovery of yield components, such as grain yield, TGW and harvest index.

Diabate, B., Gao, Y., Li, Y., Wang, C., Sun, B., Asch, F., Zhou, D., 2015
Associations Between Species Distribution Patterns and Soil Salinity in the Songnen Grassland. Arid Land Research and Management 29, 199-209.

The Songnen grassland is one of the grasslands in China characterized by concentrated heterogeneous patches of saline-alkaline soils. However, our understanding of how these patchy structures develop and how biochemical factors change within patches is limited. Thus, three representative semi-vegetated patches were selected and analyzed for soil electrical conductivity (EC), soil pH, soil organic matter (SOM), and soil nitrogen (N). Based on the different appearance and distribution of species, the patches were divided into a center, middle, and outer section. Our results showed that in contrast to EC, SOM significantly increased from the center to the outer section. Aboveground biomass and species distribution patterns were strongly associated with SOM and contrasted to EC. In the center section, the annual species Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad represented more than 90% of the total biomass, whereas the perennial species Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel and Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud were the most dominant species in the outer section with a contribution of more than 90% to the total biomass. In the middle section, most of the species achieved mutual coexistence and the perennial species appeared to benefit from the interspecific relationships with their neighbors. Our results suggest that a feasible means of restoration management for heterogeneous degraded grassland should be achievable through revegetation by species such as L. chinensis and P. australis, which improve soil organic matter and reduce EC.

Gorim, L., Asch F., 2015
Seed coating reduces respiration losses and affects sugar metabolism during germination and early seedling growth in cereals. Functional Plant Biology 42, 209-218.

Seed germination and the successful establishment of young seedlings is an important aspect of plant life. Seed coats are used to improve stand establishment and early seedling vigour. Seedlings growing from hydro-absorber coated barley, rye and wheat with coat-shares greater than 75% of the average seed have been shown to promote better seedling growth compared with those seedlings growing from uncoated seeds. We investigated how and why these seedlings performed better by analysing the proportion of grain reserves mobilised for growth and respiration as well as how both sucrose and glucose available in the embryo translated into seedling growth in the presence or absence of seed coats containing hydro-absorber gel. We found that mobilisation efficiency was higher, resulting in higher biomass in these cereals when they were coated. The relationship between sucrose and glucose available to the seedling as well as its correlation with early seedling growth indicate a switch in the enzymatic cleavage of embryonic sucrose from invertase to sucrose synthase. This in turn indicates that in coated seeds, embryonic tissue must be hypoxic leading to a more efficient use of glucose and thus reduced respiration losses during germination.

Kurgat, B. K., Golicha, D., Giese, M., Kuria, S. G., Asch, F. 2014
Relationship between vegetation cover types and soil organic carbon in the rangelands of Northern Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 26 (9), Article #162.

Climate Change affect various sectors in Kenya, with the most vulnerable being agriculture, livestock, water, health, fisheries and tourism. Accurate estimates of soil organic carbon stocks (SOCS) in the rangelands are critical in developing strategies to help mitigate impacts of climate change. The study therefore, sought to establish the relationship between vegetation cover types and SOCS in northern rangelands of Kenya as an indirect method of estimating SOCS in the field. Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper satellite image was used to differentiate vegetation cover types and soil samples taken along the transect line laid at intervals of 50 m across each vegetation cover type. Colourimetric and core sampling methods were used to determine SOC concentrations and soil bulk densities, respectively. Analysis of variance and simple linear regression were used in the statistical analysis. Four vegetation cover types indentified were: Acacia bush land (ABL), bare land (BRL), sparsely distributed acacia with bare ground (SAB) and sparsely distributed acacia with forbs (SAF) and. The means of SOC for each vegetation cover were different. However, soil bulk densities under BRL and SAB were similar but different from that of ABL and SAF that were alike. Further, overall mean of SOCS was 6.76±2.85 t C ha-1 for all the vegetation cover types. A positive relationship was established between the average mean values of both Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) when regressed with the average mean values of SOCS. The findings suggest that vegetation indices measured with GIS are good predictors of SOCS for the study region, with the potential for extrapolation to the arid and semi-arid areas to which this ecosystem belongs. 
- Full paper here -

Stuerz, S., Sow, A., Muller, B., Manneh, B., Asch, F., 2014
Leaf area development in response to meristem temperature and irrigation
system in lowland rice. Field Crops Research 163, 74-80.

Growth and grain yield reductions have been widely observed when traditionally flooded rice fields were subjected to water-saving irrigation measures, where a continuous floodwater layer is avoided. These observations led to the perception of rice being a plant extremely sensitive to water stress even when grown in soils where water is sufficiently available. Since the rice plant's meristem is below the water surface during the vegetative stage in flooded fields, the difference in heat capacity between water and air will lead to changes in meristem temperature, when a ponded water layer is omitted. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate leaf area development in response to meristem temperature under flooded and non-flooded conditions in the field. In Ndiaye, located in the Senegal River valley, a lowland rice variety (IR64) was sown on 13 staggered dates between July 2008 and June 2010. In a flooded treatment (FL), a continuous water layer was maintained, whereas in a non-flooded treatment (NF), irrigation water was applied until soil saturation every 2 or 3 days. Temperature at the soil surface as well as leaf area and tiller number were recorded. In most cases, leaf area was reduced under non-flooded conditions. Leaf area expansion rate was correlated with meristem temperature during the night. With temperature at the soil surface being lower under non-flooded conditions, lower leaf area expansion rates under non-flooded conditions could be attributed to lower meristem temperature. The omission of a floodwater layer can expose the rice plant's meristems to larger temperature extremes and thus affect plant growth. In environments with large temperature amplitudes, this effect should be considered when water-saving measures are applied in lowland rice fields.

Stuerz, S., Sow, A., Muller, B., Manneh, B., Asch, F., 2014
Canopy microclimate and gas-exchange in response to irrigation
system in lowland rice in the Sahel. Field Crops Research 163, 64-73.

In lowland rice production, water-saving irrigation technologies have been developed, but it has rarely been considered that the absence of a ponded water layer could change the field's microclimate due to the different thermal characteristics of water compared to air. At a site in the Senegal River valley, canopy and soil temperature as well as temperature at meristem level and relative humidity inside the canopy were observed in the presence and absence of a ponded water layer in an irrigated rice field. Gas-exchange measurements were conducted at different development stages of three varieties (IR4630, IR64, and Sahel108) sown in bi-monthly intervals and the effects of climatic and microclimatic parameters on stomatal conductance, assimilation rate, and intrinsic water use efficiency were investigated. Minimum soil (Tsmin) and meristem temperature (TMmin) were usually lower in the absence of a ponded water layer. Stomatal conductance depended mainly on Tsmin, TMmin, and minimum relative humidity inside the canopy. Assimilation rate was positively correlated with solar radiation, Tsmin and TMmin, but depended mainly on stomatal conductance. Without standing water, stomatal conductance was significantly lower, but reductions could be explained with lower Tsmin and/or TMmin. Nevertheless, Tsmin and/or TMmin were the major determinants of stomatal conductance and assimilation rate, which suggests a pivotal role of root zone temperature on plant growth probably via water uptake and, thus, overall plant water status. Varietal differences were found, with assimilation rate in IR4630 and Sahel108 having been less affected by low temperature than in IR64. When water-saving irrigation measures are applied in irrigated rice, the negative effects of lower soil and meristem temperature in the absence of a ponded water layer in the field on the productivity of rice need to be considered. In regions where night temperatures below 20°C occur, varieties should be used that are less temperature-responsive, if the effect of cool nights on meristem temperature cannot be mitigated by a ponded water layer.

Stuerz, S., Sow, A., Muller, B., Manneh, B., Asch, F., 2014
Yield components in response to thermal environment and irrigatio
n system in lowland rice in the Sahel. Field Crops Research 163, 47-54.

Yield reductions have been widely observed under water-saving irrigation in lowland rice. The yield gap has been related to decreases in the number of spikelets per panicle and decreased spikelet fertility. Since these yield components highly depend on the thermal environment of the meristem which is subjected to changes when a ponded water layer is omitted, the impact of irrigation system on yield components needs to be studied under consideration of temperature at meristem level. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze yield and yield components of irrigated rice grown with and without a ponded water layer under consideration of effects of irrigation system on meristem temperature under field conditions. Field trials were conducted on two sites in Senegal, where rice was grown under flooded and non-flooded conditions with six staggered sowing dates between August 2009 and June 2010. Temperature was measured at meristem level and related to leaf area, yield and yield components of three different varieties (i.e. IR64, Sahel202 and N22). Yield reductions under non-flooded conditions were mainly observed in the cold-dry season, whereas slight yield increase were found in the hot-wet season. Among the yield components, reduced number of spikelets per panicle and spikelet fertility accounted for the largest share of the yield gap. Meristem temperature during the night was always lower under non-flooded conditions and the temperature difference between irrigation treatments increased during the cold-dry season. Leaf area per tiller was linearly related to meristem temperature in the observed temperature range, and a linear relationship was found between leaf area per tiller and the number of spikelets per panicle. Furthermore, spikelet fertility increased with meristem temperature between panicle initiation and booting stage. Therefore, lower meristem temperature led to smaller leaf area per tiller, less spikelets per panicle and decreased fertility under non-flooded conditions. Without standing water, the rice plant's meristem will be exposed to lower temperatures during night, which can lead to significant yield reductions in areas where cool nights occur.

Graef, F., Sieber, S., Mutabazi, K., Asch, F., Biesalski, H.K., Bitegeko, J., Bokelmann, W., Bruentrup, M., Dietrich, O., Elly, N., Fasse, A., Germer, J., Grote, U., Herrmann, L. et al. 2014.
Framework for participatory food security research in rural food value chains. Global Food Security 3, 8-15.

Enhancing food security for poor and vulnerable people requires adapting rural food systems to various driving factors. Food security-related research should apply participatory action research that considers the entire food value chain to ensure sustained success. This article presents a research framework that focusses on determining, prioritising, testing, adapting and disseminating food securing upgrading strategies across the multiple components of rural food value chains. These include natural resources, food production, processing, markets, consumption and waste management. Scientists and policy makers jointly use tools developed for assessing potentials for enhancing regional food security at multiple spatial and temporal scales. The research is being conducted in Tanzania as a case study for Sub-Saharan countries and is done in close collaboration with local, regional and national stakeholders, encompassing all activities across all different food sectors.

Shibabaw, A., Alemayehu, G., Desalegn, Y., Adgo, E., Tewodros, Y., Germer, J., Asch, F. Merene, Y., Freyer, B. 2014
Exploratory survey on climate change effects, value chain processes and supportive services: Case study from Potato based farming systems of AWI-Zone, Ethiopia. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research 2 (4), 615-621.

Exploratory field survey was conducted with the objective of to understand climate change effects, potato value chain actors, processes, activities and supportive services providers in 2013, Awi-Zone, Ethiopia. Expert and key informant interviews, focused group discussions and review of literature were used as study methodology. A total of 51 value chain actors composing farmers, traders, processors consumers and supportive service providers were involved. The survey result indicates that climate change affects the whole value chain of potato. Drought and erratic, delay and early cessation of rain- fall, heat wave, strong winds, and more flood and night frost were the observed effects of climate change in the study area. Heavy flood impeded input supply and transport services to farmers by damaging roads, while delayed and erratic rain fall reduced the yield of potato and enhanced more diseases and insect pest pressure, which in turn resulted in inconsistent supply of produce to the traders. Consumers were also affected by inconsistent potato market supply. Moreover, poor linkage among value chain actors and support service providers contributed for inadequate action on the use of adaptive measures. The sub sector in general faces a number of structural and technological challenges that need immediate attention to improve potato sector development. Hence, vertical and horizontal integration will be required among value chain actors, supportive service providers and private investors to enhance the sector.

Diwani, T.N., Asch, F., Becker, M., Mussgnug, F. 2013
Characterizing farming systems around Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya, for targeting soil fertility-enhancing technologies. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, in press.

Kakamega district in Western Kenya represents the smallholder farming systems typical for much of the densely populated humid highlands in East Africa. A specific feature, however, is the presence of a protected forest reserve (Kakamega Forest National Park), covering some 20% of the district area. Year-round crop production with little use of external inputs is resulting in declining soil fertility and crop yields. Technologies to counteract fertility constraints are rarely implemented, as they do not consider system diversity or farm-specific characteristics. We surmised that farm type-specific targeting of technology options to address soil fertility-related production constraints would reduce the anthropogenic pressure on the resources of the adjacent Kakamega rainforest reserve. Based on Kenyan national census data, we selected 168 farms in physical proximity of the Kakamega forest and characterized them regarding production system and soil attributes. Cluster and principal component analyses identified five distinct farm categories. Three representative farms from each cluster group were subsequently selected to establish labor-use patterns, draw resource-flow maps, and determine NPK balances. Small subsistence-oriented farms were most common (> 50%), with maize yields of 0.9 t ha-1 (cluster 1). Most farmers relied on the forest to provide fire wood, animal feed, and medicinal plants. Mixed farms, combining subsistence maize with industrial crops, were differentiated by soil type, with tea being grown on Ferralsol (cluster 3), and sugar cane being grown on Acrisol (cluster 4). The dependence on forest resources was limited to animal grazing and the collection of feed stuff (cluster 3), or the extraction of medicinal plants (cluster 4). Only few farms showed a high degree of market orientation of the food-crop production. These comprised either small farms with high investments in fertilizer and maize yields close to 2 t ha-1 (cluster 2), or larger farms (1.6-3.9 ha) with low fertilizer but high hired-labor use (cluster 5). Their reliance on forest resources was generally low. Resource flows showed mainly patterns of nutrient export in subsistence farms, and more complex flow patterns, involving several farm compartments, in the diversified farms. Partial nutrient balances were strongly negative for N and K, irrespective of soil or farm type. Soil-fertility characteristics reflected the nutrient balances with generally low C and N in all farms on Acrisol, and low P in farms not applying mineral fertilizers or farmyard manure. The proposed typology is expected to improve the targeting of technologies addressing soil fertility-related production constraints, and to reduce the pressure on forest resources. This is of particular importance in the case of small-scale subsistence and mixed farms close to the forest margin.

Shrestha, S., Asch, F., Brueck, H., Giese, M., Dusserre, J., Ramanantsoanirina, A. 2013
Phenological responses of upland rice grown along an altitudinal gradient. Environmental and Experimental Botany 89 , pp. 1-10

High altitude upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) production systems are expected to benefit from climate change induced increase in temperatures. The potential yield of rice genotypes is governed by the thermal environment experienced during crop development phases when yield components are determined. Thus, knowledge on genotypic variability in phenotypic responses to variable temperature is required for assessing the adaptability of rice production to changing climate. Although, several crop models are available for this task, genotypic thermal constants used to simulate crop phenology vary strongly among the models and are under debate. Therefore, we conducted field trials with ten contrasting upland rice (O. sativa L.) genotypes on three locations along an altitudinal gradient with five monthly staggered sowing dates for two years in Madagascar with the aim to study phenological responses at different temperature regimes. We found that, crop duration is equally influenced by genotype selection, sowing date and year in the high altitude. In contrast, in mid altitudes genotype has no effect on crop duration. At low altitudes crop duration is more affected by sowing date. Grain yield is strongly affected by low temperatures at high altitudes and severly influenced by frequent tropical cyclones at low altitudes. In high altitude, genotype explained 68% of variation in spikelet sterility, whereas in mid and low altitudes environment explained more than 70% of the variation. The phenological responses determining crop duration and yield, the basic genotypic thermal constants, and the analyses of genotypic thermal responses with regard to spikelet sterility reported here, provide valuable information for the improvement of rice phenological models urgently needed to develop new genotypes and better adapted cropping calendars.

Rajaona, A.M., Brueck, H., Asch, F., 2013
Leaf gas exchange characteristics of Jatropha as affected by nitrogen supply, leaf age, and atmospheric vapour pressure deficit. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 199, 144-153.

Facing a steadily increasing world energy demand, jatropha, among other energy crops, has been reported to potentially contribute to biofuel production. A basic characterisation of plant responses to abiotic environmental factors is important for assessing the model-assisted potential of this plant in view of the many agro-ecological zones in which jatropha is presently cultivated. Two pot experiments and two field studies were used to record gas exchange parameters in response to light, nitrogen supply, atmospheric vapour pressure deficit (VPD), leaf age and time of measurements. Variation of N supply from 0 to 16 mm resulted in lower rates of photosynthesis (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) of treatment 0 mm N compared with other N levels, whereas the light compensation point (IC), quantum yield (QY) and dark respiration rates (Rd) were similar in all treatments. In the field, diurnal effects were evident with higher light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Amax) and QY and lower IC and Rd in the morning than in the afternoon. Considering leaf age effects, fully expanded leaves had a lower Amax compared with expanding leaves and this variation in leaf gas exchange was not related to changes in the chlorophyll index value (SPAD) which steadily increased with leaf age. QY of field and greenhouse plants varied from 0.023 to 0.037 and was substantially lower than in C3 plants. A was positively correlated with gs in a hyperbolic function. A varied from 0.64 to 21.13 μmol m−2 s−1 and gs varied from 12 to 469 mmol m−2 s−1. With increasing VPD, gs decreased, but this response differed between the field experiments and the two pot experiments which contrasted each other distinctively. Applying the inverse logistic function of Webb (Ecological Modeling, 56 (1991), 81), the maximal stomatal conductance of jatropha was in the range of 382 mmol m−2 s−1 and gs is predicted to be close to zero at 5 kPa. These data altogether indicate that light absorption characteristics of single leaves and carbohydrate status parameters should be investigated further to explain the low QY and the pronounced diurnal variation.

Engel, K., Asch, F., Becker, M., 2012.
Classification of rice genotypes based on their mechanisms of adaptation to iron toxicity. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175, 871-881

Iron (Fe) toxicity is a nutritional disorder that affects lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.). The occurrence of excessive amounts of reduced Fe(II) in the soil solution, its uptake by the rice roots, and its transpiration-driven transport result in elevated Fe(II) concentrations in leaf cells that catalyze the formation of reactive oxygen species. The oxidative stress causes rusty brown spots on leaves (bronzing) and the reduction of biomass and yield. While the use of resistant genotypes is the most promising approach to address the problem, the stress appears to differentially affect rice plants as a function of plant age, climatic conditions, stress intensity and duration, and the prevailing adaptation mechanism. We comparatively assessed 21 contrasting 6-week-old rice genotypes regarding their response (symptom score, biomass, Fe concentrations and uptake) to a 6 d iron pulse of 1500 mg L-1 Fe(II). Eight selected genotypes were further compared at different stress intensities (0, 500, 1000, and 1500 mg L-1 Fe(II)) and at different developmental stages (4-, 6-, and 8-week-old plants). Based on Fe-induced biomass reduction and leaf-bronzing score, the tested spectrum was grouped in resistant and sensitive genotypes. Linking bronzing scores to leaf iron concentrations allowed further differentiation into includer and excluder types. Iron precipitation on roots and organ-specific iron partitioning permitted to classify the adaptation strategies into root exclusion, stem and leaf sheath retention, and leaf blade tissue tolerance. The effectiveness of these strategies differed with stress intensity and developmental stage. The reported findings improve the understanding of Fe-stress response and provide a basis for future genotype selection or breeding for enhancing Fe-toxicity resistance in rice.

Rajaona, A.M.; Sutterer, N.; Asch, F., 2012
Potential of Waste Water Use for Jatropha Cultivation in Arid Environments. Agriculture 2012, 2, 376-392.

Water is crucial for socio-economic development and healthy ecosystems. With the actual population growth and in view of future water scarcity, development calls for improved sectorial allocation of groundwater and surface water for domestic, agricultural and industrial use. Instead of intensifying the pressure on water resources, leading to conflicts among users and excessive pressure on the environment, sewage effluents, after pre-treatment, provide an alternative nutrient-rich water source for agriculture in the vicinity of cities. Water scarcity often occurs in arid and semiarid regions affected by droughts and large climate variability and where the choice of crop to be grown is limited by the environmental factors. Jatropha has been introduced as a potential renewable energy resource since it is claimed to be drought resistant and can be grown on marginal sites. Sewage effluents provide a source for water and nutrients for cultivating jatropha, a combined plant production/effluent treatment system. Nevertheless, use of sewage effluents for irrigation in arid climates carries the risk of salinization. Thus, potential irrigation with sewage effluents needs to consider both the water requirement of the crop and those needed for controlling salinity build-up in the top soil. Using data from a case study in Southern Morocco, irrigation requirements were calculated using CROPWAT 8.0. We present here crop evapotranspiration during the growing period, required irrigation, the resulting nutrient input and the related risk of salinization from the irrigation of jatropha with sewage effluent.
- full Paper here -

Rajaona, A.M., Brueck, H., Seckinger, C., Asch, F., 2012
Effect of salinity on canopy water vapor conductance of young and 3-year old Jatropha curcas L. Journal of Arid Environments 87, 35-41

With increasing demand for biofuels, jatropha is considered as one of the biofuel crops, which is suitable for growth under adverse conditions including drought and salinity which mainly occur in arid and semiarid environment. We report here to what extent salt stress affected water loss, canopy water vapor conductance, leaf growth and Na and K concentrations of leaves of 3-year old and young plants. Adult (on peat substrate) and young (in hydroponic system) plants were exposed to seven (0-300 mmol NaCl L-1) and five salt levels (0-200 mmol NaCl L-1), during 20 and 6 days, respectively.
In both experiments, plants responded rapidly to salt stress by reducing water loss. The threshold value of responses was between 0 and 5 dS m-1. Leaf area increment of young jatropha had a threshold value of 5 dS m-1 implying that jatropha responds sensitive to external salt application in term of canopy development, conductance and CO2 assimilation rate. The rapid decrease of canopy conductance indicates that jatropha is effectively protecting leaves from massive Na import into leaves over short time periods. Our data indicate that use of wastewater in (semi-)arid areas should be carefully considered if high productivity is the key of plantation management.

Shrestha, S., Asch, F., Dusserre, J., Ramanantsoanirina, A., Brueck, H. 2012.
Climate effects on yield components as affected by genotypic responses to variable environmental conditions in upland rice systems at different altitudes. Field Crops Research 134 , pp. 216-228

Grain yield in any given environment is determined by yield components developed at different phenophases. Yield components are influenced by the environmental conditions the plant experiences during the respective phases. The final yield of a given cultivar depends on the interaction between genotype and its responses to environmental conditions. Hence, it is necessary to evaluate the plasticity in yield components formation while selecting genotype for a given environment. For this, we conducted field trials comprising 10 upland rice genotypes representing a large share of genetic variation, with two sowing dates in two consecutive years in three altitudinal locations creating 12 environments in Madagascar. Crop duration, grain yield and yield components (tillers per hill, panicles per tiller, grains per panicle, sterility, grain weight) were strongly affected by sowing dates, location, year and genotypes. Sowing date and years resulted in comparatively more variable environments in high and low altitudes than in mid altitude. Yield stability across environments reflected the target environments the genotypes were originally selected for. Variation in grain yield among planting dates within altitudes was not mainly due to temperature but rather to the combinations of abiotic factors the genotypes experienced during the different phenological stages during which the different yield components were formed. Yield components and their contribution to environmentally induced yield penalties were analyzed in detail. The contribution of individual yield components to final yield changed with the environmental conditions the rice experienced during the development stages. This effect may have a stronger influence on final yield than the genetic control of the individual yield components. New combinations of traits are required to better exploit the environmental potential which may only be possible via advanced crop models simulating the environmental effects on yield components and their interdependencies to develop ideotypes for the target environments thus guiding breeding and selection efforts.

Engel, K., Asch, F., Becker, M. 2012.
In-vivo staining of reduced iron by 2,2 bipyridine in rice exposed to iron toxicity. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175, 548-552

Screening of rice for genotype-specific tolerance mechanisms to conditions of iron toxicity is hampered by the fact that traditional methods of analysis cannot differentiate between the potentially toxic reduced Fe(II) and the oxidized Fe(III) forms of iron in plants. We propose a protocol for a novel method to visualize Fe(II) in rice tissues. The method is based on the selective formation of a purple-red colour complex between 2,2’ bipyridine and Fe(II). Three contrasting 42 day-old rice genotypes with known responses to iron toxicity conditions were exposed to 18 mM Fe(II) (1000 mg Fe(II) L-1) in nutrient solution for two days. Root systems of intact plants were subsequently placed in 2,2’ bipyridine solutions of 2.5, 5.0 and 10 mM for 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours. Roots, leaf sheaths and leaf blades were assessed for the formation of the [Fe(bipy)3 2+] colour complex using bifocal microscopy. The best visual differentiation of resistant excluder, tolerant includer and sensitive genotypes was obtained when root systems were incubated in 5 mM bipyridine for 6 hours. The exclusion of iron in the rhizosphere resulted in a weak colour expression in the xylem vessels of the resistant genotype Pokkali. In the tolerant includer genotype CK73, the staining of xylem vessels corresponded to 0.9-1.8 mM Fe(II) in roots and leaf sheaths and of >0.08 mM Fe(II) in the leaf blades. The sensitive genotype Nipponbare exhibited a dark purple staining in all xylem vessels, which was associated with the expression of intense leaf bronzing symptoms. The method could improve the selection of candidate genotypes in view of accelerating the breeding for iron toxicity tolerance in rice.

Shrestha, S., Brueck, H., Asch, F. 2012.
Chlorophyll Index, Photochemical Reflectance Index and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurements of Rice Leaves Supplied with Different N Levels. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2012.04.008
, Volume 113, 7–13

Rapid and non-destructive diagnosis of plant N status is highly required in order to optimise N fertilizer management and use-efficiency. Additionally to handheld devices for measurements of chlorophyll indices (e.g., SPAD meter) parameters of canopy reflectance via remote sensing approaches are intensively investigated and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) appears to be a reliable indicator for changes of the epoxidation state of xanthophyll cycle pigments. In order to assess the suitability of a handheld PRI as an additional tool for N diagnosis, rice plants were grown in a nutrient solution experiment with seven N-supply levels (0.18 to 5.71 mM) and CI (SPAD) and PRI values and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters measured 20 and 28 days after onset of treatments. N-supply had effects on both CI (SPAD) and PRI values with a more reliable differentiation between levels. Maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm), actual efficiency of PSII photochemistry (ФPSII) and regulated non-photochemical quenching (ФNPQ) did not differ significantly between N levels. Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) and fast- relaxing NPQ (NPQF) were significantly affected by N-supply. NPQ and NPQF, but not the slow-relaxing component (NPQS), were correlated with CI (SPAD) and PRI values. This finding which has not been reported for N-supply effects so far is indirect evidence that low N-supply induced xanthophyll cycle activity and that PRI values are able to indicate this at least in plants subject to severe N deficiency.

Abdulai, A. L., Kouressy, M., Vaksmann, M., Brueck, H., Asch, F., Giese, M. 2012.
Latitude and Date of Sowing Influences Phenology of Photoperiod-Sensitive Sorghums. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 198, 340-348

Matching phenology with favourable abiotic and biotic conditions is a prerequisite for good varietal adaptation. That is particularly important in the context of climate change because an increase in temperature is most likely to modify the precocity of the varieties. The forecast of the phenology of short-day cereals is complex because flowering depends on both temperature and day length. The effects of photoperiod and temperature can be studied by trials in a phytotron, but, high cost prohibit the use of this technique where large numbers of varieties are handled. The day length varies with latitude. Multi-location field trials can be employed for creating a range of environments, but in this type of trials, the great variability of the environments (mainly photoperiod x temperature interaction) often masks the photoperiodic effect. The maturity of the photoperiodic varieties varies according to the sowing date. Trials involving several sowing dates facilitate the study of the effect of small variations of photoperiod on phenology. The objectives of this work are to compare these two last approaches by precisely measuring the effect of the latitude on the development of selected varieties of sorghum sown at staggered planting dates and to verify the precision of our models to predict sorghum maturity. A field experiment in Mali was conducted at the experimental sites of Cinzana (13°15' N), Sotuba (12°39' N) and Farako (11°13' N) in 2009 and 2010. Seven sorghum cultivars representing the diversity of cultivated sorghum in Mali were sown on the 10th of June, July and August each year. The duration of the vegetative phase strongly decreased with the latitude. Although the maximum day-length difference between Cinzana and Farako is less than 8 minutes, for some varieties we observed a reduction in crop duration up to 3 weeks. Some varieties are not photoperiod sensitive in Farako and become photoperiodic in Cinzana. The effect of latitude on the phenology is underestimated by the existing models. To determine the optimal areas for the varieties in West Africa and to forecast the effects of climate change, a correction of the simulation coefficients to take account of latitude is proposed. But, in the end, it will be necessary to develop a new model that will be able to predict the effects of both, sowing date and latitude. More research is needed to understand physiological response mechanisms of the pronounced latitude effects on sorghum phenology.

Abdulai, A.L. Parzies, H., Kouressy, M., Vaksmann, M., Asch, F., Brueck, H., 2012
Yield stability of photoperiod-sensitive sorghum [Sorghum bicolor L. (Moench)] accessions under diverse climatic environments. International Journal of Agricultural Research, 7, 17-32.

Climate variability is a characteristic feature of the Tropics where the summer monsoon starts from MaylJune and ends mostly in October, thus producing an unpredictably variable length of growing season. This results in serious challenges for the mainly subsistent small holder farmers in the arid to semi-arid zones of the Tropics. A study was conducted to determine the attainable grain yield and yield stability of 10 well characterized and extensively cultivated tropical sorghum accessions across 18 environments comprised of 3 dates of sowing at 3 sites (along a latitudinal gradient covering 3 agro-ecolopcal zones) over 2 years in Mali. For each year and site combination, sorghum accessions and dates of sowing were arranged in a split plot and tested in a Randomized Complete Block (RCB) design. Appropriate cultural practices and timing were used to minimize effects of biotic factors. In addition to grain yield, yield penalty associated with delayed sowing was determined. Two static and five dynamic indices were used to assess the stability of grain yield for genotypes across environments. Mean grain yield ranged from 0 to 248 g m-2 across environments, from 74 to 208 g m-2 across the 10 genotypes and generally reduced with delayed sowing. A genotype combining photoperiod sensitivity and stay-green traits was revealed as the most stable. The similarities and differences were observed among the stability indices used in terms of ranking of the genotypes. Implications of these for adaptation to climate change are discussed.

Rajaona, A.M., Brueck, H., Asch, F. 2011
Effect of pruning history on growth and dry mass partitioning of Jatropha curcas L. on a plantation site in Madagascar. Biomass and Bioenergy 35, 4892-4900.

While technical aspects of oil processing of seeds of jatropha are under intensive investigation, comparably little is known about the performance of jatropha in the field. We investigated the effects of water availability (rainfed versus irrigated) and pruning-induced differences in plant stature on growth, biomass partitioning, and canopy size at a plantation site in Madagascar in 2010. Plants of different pruning types differed in trunk height (43 versus 29 cm) and primary branches total length (171 versus 310 cm). The two pruning types had effects on dry mass formation and leaf area projection (LAP) during the vegetation period. Trees which had a shorter trunk and longer lateral branches produced more biomass and had a higher LAP. Total dry mass formation varied from 489 to 912 g m−2 and LAP from 3.26 to 7.37. Total aboveground biomass increased from 2.3 ± 0.5 to 4.89 ± 1.4 kg tree−1 and from 4.6 ± 1.8 to 8.9 ± 1.0 kg tree−1 for the pruning types with shorter and longer lateral branches, respectively. Growth of twigs and leaves was positively correlated with total length of branches. Relative dry mass allocation to branches, twigs and leaves, length of twigs per cm of branches and specific leaf area (13.57 ± 0.72 m2 kg−1) were not affected by pruning and water supply. Trees with shorter branches had higher LAD. Results indicate that pruning type should be considered as a management tool to optimize biomass production. Detailed studies on effects of canopy size and shape on radiation interception and growth are required to improve the productivity of jatropha.
Full paper here

Asch, F., Brueck, H. 2011
Rice crop innovations and natural-resource management — A glimpse into the future. Africa Rice Congress, Bamako 2010 – Proceedings –

Rice is and will be the major global food crop. Cultivars, rice-based cropping systems and the rice itself will have to undergo adaptations and improvements in order to meet future demands for both food security of the growing population and environmental conservation. Growing more food will increase the pressure on natural resources such as land, water and nutrients, which must be used efficiently and sustainably. The challenge posed by imminent climate change forces the speeding-up of the innovation process, which will require collaboration by a large number of scientific disciplines and stakeholders. Rice’s path into the future will have to follow several parallel lanes. On one hand, we cannot slacken our efforts to improve existing cropping-systems management to decrease the gap between potential and current productivity. On the other hand, we need to increase our knowledge base of the genomic, proteomic and metabolic make-up of rice to pave the way for future innovations through genetic-engineering based on in-depth knowledge of physiological processes. A third highly important approach is to maximize productivity in clearly defined high-input environments, such as irrigated rice and intensive rainfed production, using a strong systems approach. Another parallel approach must focus on the low-intensity production systems and those environments most vulnerable to changes in climate. Here, in contrast to the intensive systems, genotypic elasticity and region-specific management options need to be exploited to ensure a secure level of production in highly variable environments and those undergoing transition. Finally, existing networks addressing some or all of these options should be more tightly knit to increase information flow among, and the innovative power of, the scientists involved. This includes a strong focus on scientific capacity-building through North–South collaboration in research and education, with a strong role of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research in streamlining the combined efforts.
Full paper here

Gorim, L., Asch F., 2011
Effects of composition and share of seed coatings on the mobilisation efficiency of cereal seeds during germination. Journal of Agronomy and Crops Science - DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-037X.2011.00490.x.

Cereal production systems are increasingly threatened by suboptimal water supply or intermittent drought spells early in the planting season. Seed coated with hydrophilic materials or hydro-absorbers that increase the amount of water available for germination and seedling development is a promising approach to improving stand establishment under changing conditions. Barley, rye and wheat grains with combinations of hydro-absorber, humic acid and Biplantol® in different shares of the total seed mass were germinated in plates at 25 °C on moist filter paper. Germination rates, resource partitioning and mobilization efficiency were assessed and compared with those of uncoated seeds. Results show a strong influence of coat thickness and composition on the germination rate and the efficiency of mobilization of carbohydrates stored in the endosperm. In general, coating significantly reduced germination rate and total germination as compared to uncoated seeds in all cereals tested. Differences in coating thickness had a distinct effect on germination rate for most combinations of coatings and species. Germination rates increased with increasing coat size. This effect was most pronounced for coatings containing hydro-absorbers and least pronounced for coatings containing humic acid or Biplantol®. Coating generally increased the amount of carbohydrates partitioned to the roots, and thick coating increased the efficiency of grain reserve mobilization compared with the uncoated seeds. Differences between species and the implications for coating-related changes in germination metabolism are discussed.
Link to full paper online

Germer, J., Sauerborn, J., Asch, F., de Boer, J., Schreiber, J., Weber, G., Müller, J., 2011
Skyfarming an ecological innovation to enhance global food security. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit - DOI 10.1007 /s00003-011-0691-6

Population growth increases the demand for food and thus leads to expansion of cultivated land and intensification of agricultural production. There is a definite limit to both of these options for food security and their multiple negative effects on the environment undermine the aim for sustainability. Presently the impact of the Green Revolution on crop production is levelling off at high yields attained and even the potential of large scale irrigation programmes and transgenic crops seem to be limited in view of the expected increase in demand for food. Moreover, climate change threatens to affect agricultural production across the globe.
Skyfarming represents a promising approach for food production that is largely environment independent and therefore immune to climate change. Optimal growing conditions, shielded from weather extremes and pests are aimed at raising plant production towards the physiological potential. Selecting rice as a pioneer crop for Skyfarming will not only provide a staple for a large part of the global population, but also significantly reduce the greenhouse gas emission caused by paddy cultivation. Multiplication of the benefits could be achieved by stacking production floors vertically.
In Skyfarming the crop, with its requirements for optimal growth, development and production, determines the system's design. Accordingly, the initial development must focus on the growing environment, lighting, temperature, humidity regulation and plant protection strategies as well as on the overall energy supply. For each of these areas potentially suitable technologies are presented and discussed. Paper here online

Shrestha, S., Asch, F., Dingkuhn, M., Becker, M., 2011.
Cropping calendar options for rice – wheat production systems at high-altitudes. Field Crops Research 121, 158-167

The onset of rains during dry to wet transition fallow periods in rice-wheat production systems in Nepal cause substantial losses of soil nitrogen if the system is improperly managed. To make use of available nutrients and water, this transition period can either be shortened by early rice planting, or extended by late planting, allowing a third crop to be grown. Shifting planting dates would require rice genotypes adapted to the different environment. Crop duration is influenced by both vegetative and reproductive development, which in turn is influenced by the photothermal environment and genotypic responses to it. An experiment was conducted to derive genotypic photo-thermal constants from phenological observations on diverse rice cultivars, which were then applied to the concept of the phenological model RIDEV to design cropping calendar options. Environmental effects on variation of crop duration were determined by planting at different dates. The risk of yield losses to sterility caused by low temperatures was estimated by simulation. Thirty-one different genotypes of rice were planted at 8 dates in 15-day intervals starting 27 April 2004 at the experimental field of the Regional Agriculture Research Station, Lumle, Nepal. The shortest duration to flowering was observed for planting dates in late May and early June. Simulation of flowering dates with RIDEV yielded correct results only for the early planting dates. For later planting dates simulated flowering dates showed an increasing deviation from the observed. In most cultivars, minimum air temperature below 18°C during booting to heading stages caused near-total spikelet sterility and a specific delay in flowering. However, the chilling tolerant cultivars Chomrong and Machhapuchre-3 cultivated at high altitude showed less than 30% spikelet sterility even at 15°C. Simulating crop durations with the derived thermal constants allowed evaluating the different calendar options for high altitude systems.

Tatar, Ö., Brueck, H., Gevrek, M.H., Asch, F., 2010.
Physiological responses of two Turkish rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties to salinity. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 34 (6), 451-459

Effects of salinity (60 mM NaCl) on two Turkish rice varieties (Kıral and Yavuz) were studied in comparison to two international check varieties (IR4630-22-2 tolerant and IR31785-58-1-2-3-3 susceptible) in two hydroponic and one out-door soil-based pot experiments. Partitioning of dry matter, leaf chlorophyll concentration, K+ and Na+ uptake, and proline accumulation in the leaves were investigated under both control and salt stress conditions. Dry matter accumulation decreased with salt stress in all varieties with the decreases being more pronounced in IR31785 and Kıral. The results show that the varieties tested expressed different adaptation mechanisms under salt stress, however the increase of leaf proline accumulation was a general indicator for responses to salt stress in all cultivars. - full paper here online -

Dimpka, C., Weinand, T., Asch, F., 2009.
Plant–rhizobacteria interactions alleviate abiotic stress conditions. Plant, Cell, and Evironment,
32 (12), 1682-1694

Root-colonizing non-pathogenic bacteria can increase plant resistance to biotic and abiotic stress factors. Bacterial inoculates have been applied as biofertilizers and can increase the effectiveness of phytoremediation. Inoculating plants with non-pathogenic bacteria can provide ‘bioprotection’ against biotic stresses, and some root-colonizing bacteria increase tolerance against abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity and metal toxicity. Systematic identification of bacterial strains providing cross-protection against multiple stressors would be highly valuable for agricultural production in changing environmental conditions. For bacterial cross-protection to be an effective tool, a better understanding of the underlying morphological, physiological and molecular mechanisms of bacterially mediated stress tolerance, and the phenomenon of cross-protection is critical. Beneficial bacteria-mediated plant gene expression studies under non-stress conditions or during pathogenic rhizobacteria–plant interactions are plentiful, but only few molecular studies on beneficial interactions under abiotic stress situations have been reported. Thus, here we attempt an overview of current knowledge on physiological impacts and modes of action of bacterial mitigation of abiotic stress symptoms in plants. Where available, molecular data will be provided to support physiological or morphological observations. We indicate further research avenues to enable better use of cross-protection capacities of root-colonizing non-pathogenic bacteria in agricultural production systems affected by a changing climate.

Asch, F., Huelsebusch, Chr., 2009.
Agricultural research for the Tropics: caught between energy demands and food needs. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 110 (1), 75–91

The use of plant biomass for fuel is almost as old as mankind. However, a continuously growing population and the increasingly rapid exploitation of both fossil fuels and natural resources such as soil, water and biodiversity, have stimulated a debate of how to balance the needs and demands for food, feed, non-food raw materials and most recently energy in agricultural systems. Against the background of the current population growth, mankind faces the problem that the global system is closed and the available resources are finite. Energy is the only resource constantly supplied to the system from outside. All energy resources available on earth are in one way or the other transformations
of one of the four following: a) solar energy - which can be exploited directly, is transformed into biomass by photosynthesis, and drives the global wind and water cyle, b) tidal force owing to gravitational pull between earth and moon, c) the earth’s internal heat exploited as geothermic energy and d) nuclear energy. Of these, solar, tidal and geothermic energy are energy sources, which are not finite in time periods humans can still grasp. Based on data on fossil fuel reserves and consumption figures....(continue)

Asch, F., Bahrun, A., Jensen, C.R., 2009.
Root–shoot communication of field-grown maize drought-stressed at different rates as modified by atmospheric conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 172, 678-687

Maize is often grown in drought-prone environments and, thus, drought resistance is an important trait. In order to minimize production losses, plants need to respond and adapt early and fast to moisture loss in the root zone. From experiments under controlled conditions, constituents of the xylem sap, such as the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA), or xylem pH have long been recognized to act as signals in root-shoot communication. To investigate early signals of field-grown maize under conditions of progressive drought, a field trial was set up in a field lysimeter for two consecutive years. Although the experimental set-up was very similar in the two years, plant responses to moisture loss were significantly different in both, the cascade of events and the intensity of responses. The main difference between the two years was in atmospheric vapor-pressure deficit (VPD), accelerating the drying rate of the soil in the second year. In contrast to observations during the first year, the sudden increase in VPD in the second year caused a strong, transient peak in xylem sap ABA concentration, but no change in xylem pH or leaf ABA concentration was observed. Whereas the water relations of the maize plants remained stable in the first year, they were severely unbalanced in the second. It is argued that the strong xylem-ABA signal triggered a change from adaptation mechanisms to survival mechanisms. Modulations due to VPD of constituents of the signal cascade induced by drought are discussed with regard to possible resistance strategies, their initiation, and their modification by combining primary environmental signals.

Badridze, G., Weidner, A., Asch, F., Börner, A., 2009.
Variation in salt tolerance within a Georgian wheat germplasm collection. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution,
56 (8), 1125-1130.

Bread wheat Triticum aestivum L. possesses a genetic variation for the ability to survive and reproduce under salt stress conditions. Durum wheat (T. durum Desf.) is in general more sensitive in comparison to bread wheat, however, exceptions can be found showing the same extent of salt tolerance. Endemic wheats in general are characterised by a high adaptability to their environment. The level and variability of salt tolerance were assessed in a germplasm collection of 144 winter and spring wheat accessions from Georgia comprising Triticum aestivum L., T. durum Desf., T. dicoccon Schrank, T. polonicum L. and Georgian endemics: T. carthlicum Nevski, T. karamyschevii Nevski, T. macha Dekapr. et Menabde, T. timopheevii (Zhuk.) Zhuk. and T. zhukovskyi Menabde et Ericzjan. The accessions were tested for salt tolerance at the germination stage. Large variability in salt tolerance within the Georgian germplasm was found among the different wheat species. The endemic hexaploid winter wheat T. macha and the endemic tetraploid wheat T. timopheevii were among the most tolerant materials, thus presenting promising donors for salt tolerant traits in future breeding efforts for salinity tolerance in wheat.

Becker, M., Asch, F., Chiem, N. H., Ni, D. V., Saleh, E., Tanh, K. V., Tinh, T. K. 2008.
Decomposition of organic substrates and their effect on mungbean growth in two soils of the Mekong Delta. J. Agric. Rural Dev. Trop. Subtr. 109, 95-107. 

Agricultural land use in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam is dominated by intensive irrigated rice cropping systems on both alluvial and acid sulfate soils. A generally observed decline in productivity is linked on the alluvial soils to low N use efficiency and low soil organic matter content while on acid sulfate soils to acidity, Al toxicity and P deficiency. Faced with productivity declines, farmers increasingly diversify their cropping system by replacing the dry season rice by high-value horticultural crops grown under upland conditions. However, upland cropping is likely to further exacerbate the soil-related problems. Organic substrates from decentralized waste/water management are widely available and may help alleviate the reported soil problems. During the dry season of 2003/2004, the effect of the application of various types and rates of locally available waste products on crop performance was evaluated at both an alluvial and an acid sulfate soil site. The C and N mineralization dynamics of nine organic substrates from waste and wastewater treatment were determined by anaerobic (N) and aerobic (C) incubation in the laboratory. The response of diverse 12 week-old field-grown upland crops (dry matter accumulation) to substrate application (1.5 – 6.0 Mg ha-1) was evaluated on in a degraded alluvial and an acid sulfate soil. In the alluvial soil, largest mineralization rates were observed from anaerobic sludge. Biomass increases in 12 week-old upland crops ranged from 25-98% above the unfertilized control and were generally highest with legumes and lowest with vegetables. In the acid sulfate soil, highest net-N release rates were observed from aerobic composts with high P content. Crop biomass was related to soil pH and exchangeable Al3+ and was highest with the application of aerobic composts, with vegetables responding more than tubers or legumes. We conclude that the use of organic substrates in the rice-based systems of the Mekong Delta needs to be soil specific.

Becker, M., Asch, F., Maskey, S. L., Pande, K. R., Shah, S. C., Shresth, S. 2007. Effects of transition season management on soil N dynamics and system N balances in rice–wheat rotations of Nepal. Field Crops Research 103, 98-108.

In the low-input rice–wheat production systems of Nepal, the N nutrition of both crops is largely based on the supply from soil pools. Declining yield trends call for management interventions aiming at the avoidance of native soil N losses. A field study was conducted at two sites in the lowland and the upper mid-hills of Nepal with contrasting temperature regimes and durations of the dry-to-wet season transition period between the harvest of wheat and the transplanting of lowland rice. Technical options included the return of the straw of the preceding wheat crop, the cultivation of short-cycled crops during the transition season, and combinations of both. Dynamics of soil Nmin, nitrate leaching, nitrous oxide emissions, and crop N uptake were studied throughout the year between 2004 and 2005 and partial N balances of the cropping systems were established. In the traditional system (bare fallow between wheat and rice) a large accumulation of soil nitrate N and its subsequent disappearance upon soil saturation occurred during the transition season. This nitrate loss was associated with nitrate leaching (6.3 and 12.8 kg ha−1 at the low and high altitude sites, respectively) and peaks of nitrous oxide emissions (120 and 480 mg m−2 h−1 at the low and high altitude sites, respectively). Incorporation of wheat straw at 3 Mg ha−1 and/or cultivation of a nitrate catch crop during the transition season significantly reduced the build up of soil nitrate and subsequent N losses at the low altitude site. At the high altitude site, cumulative grain yields increased from 2.35 Mg ha−1 with bare fallow during the transition season to 3.44 Mg ha−1 when wheat straw was incorporated. At the low altitude site, the cumulative yield significantly increased from 2.85 Mg ha−1 (bare fallow) to between 3.63 and 6.63 Mg ha−1, depending on the transition season option applied. Irrespective of the site and the land use option applied during the transition season, systems N balances remained largely negative, ranging from −37 to −84 kg N ha−1. We conclude that despite reduced N losses and increased grain yields the proposed options need to be complemented with additional N inputs to sustain long-term productivity.

Becker, M., Asch, F. 2005. Iron toxicity in rice -  conditions and management concepts. J. Plant Nutri. Soil Sci. 168, 558-573.

Iron toxicity is a syndrome of disorder associated with large concentrations of reduced iron (Fe2+) in the soil solution. It only occurs in flooded soils and hence affects primarily the production of lowland rice. The appearance of iron toxicity symptoms in rice involves an excessive uptake of Fe2+ by the rice roots and its acropetal translocation into the leaves where an elevated production of toxic oxygen radicals can damage cell structural components and impair physiological processes. The typical visual symptom associated with these processes is the bronzing of the rice leaves and substantial associated yield losses.
The circumstances of iron toxicity are quite well established. Thus, the geochemistry, soil microbial processes, and the physiological effects of Fe2+ within the plant or cell are documented in a number of reviews and book chapters. However, despite our current knowledge of the processes and mechanisms involved, iron toxicity remains an important constraint to rice production, and together with Zn deficiency, it is the most commonly observed micronutrient disorder in wetland rice. Reported yield losses in farmers' fields usually range between 15% and 30%, but can also reach the level of complete crop failure.
A range of agronomic management interventions have been advocated to reduce the Fe2+ concentration in the soil or to foster the rice plants' ability to cope with excess iron in either soil or the plant. In addition, the available rice germplasm contains numerous accessions and cultivars which are reportedly tolerant to excess Fe2+. However, none of those options is universally applicable or efficient under the diverse environmental conditions where Fe toxicity is expressed. Based on the available literature, this paper categorizes iron-toxic environments, the steps involved in toxicity expression in rice, and the current knowledge of crop adaptation mechanisms in view of establishing a conceptual framework for future constraint analysis, research approaches, and the targeting of technical options.
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Asch, F., Becker, M., Kpongor, D. S. 2005. A quick and efficient screen for resistance to iron toxicitiy in lowland rice. J. Plant Nutri. Soil Sci. 168, 764-773.

Iron (Fe) toxicity is a major stress to rice in many lowland environments worldwide. Due to excessive uptake of Fe2+ by the roots and its acropetal translocation into the leaves, toxic oxygen radicals may form and damage cell structural components, thus impairing physiological processes. The typical visual symptom is the bronzing of the rice leaves, leading to substantial yield losses, particularly when toxicity occurs during early vegetative growth stages. The problem is best addressed through genotype improvement, i.e., tolerant cultivars. However, the time of occurrence and the severity of symptoms and yield responses vary widely among soil types, years, seasons, and genotypes. Cultivars resistant in one system may fail when transferred to another. Better targeting of varietal improvement requires selection tools improving our understanding of the resistance mechanisms and strategies of rice in the presence of excess iron. A phytotron study was conducted to develop a screen for seedling resistance to Fe toxicity based on individual plants subjected to varying levels of Fe (0-3000 mg L-1 Fe supplied as Fe(II)SO4), stress duration (1-5 d of exposure), vapor-pressure deficit (VPD; 1.1 and 1.8 kPa), and seedling age (14 and 28 d). Genotypes were evaluated based on leaf-bronzing score and tissue Fe concentrations. A clear segregation of the genotypic tolerance spectrum was obtained when scoring 28 d old seedlings after 3 d of exposure to 2000 mg L-1 Fe in a high-VPD environment. In most cases, leaf-bronzing scores were highly correlated with tissue Fe concentration (visual differentiation in includer and excluder types). The combination of these two parameters also identified genotypes tolerating high levels of Fe in the tissue while showing only few leaf symptoms (tolerant includers). The screen allows selecting genotypes with low leaf-bronzing score as resistant to Fe toxicity, and additional analyses of the tissue Fe concentration of those can identify the general adaptation strategy to be utilized in breeding programs.
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Asch, F., Dingkuhn, M., Sow, A., Audebert, A. 2005. Drought-induced changes in rooting patterns and assimilate partitioning between root and shoot in upland rice. Field Crops Research 93, 223-236.

Drought is a major stress affecting rainfed rice systems. Root characteristics such as root length density, root thickness, and rooting depth and distribution have been established as constituting factors of drought resistance. Deep rooting cultivars are more resistant to drought than those with shallow root systems. The present study sought to quantify the effects of different levels of drought on dry matter partitioning and root development of three rice cultivars (CG14 [Oryza glaberrima], WAB56-104 [O. sativa tropical japonica, improved] and WAB450-24-3-2-P18-HB [CG14 x WAB56-104 hybrid]. Two experiments on assimilate partitioning under different levels of drought stress were conducted under rain shelters at the West Africa Rice Development Association, Mbe, Ivory Coast. PVC tubes (diameter = 0.2m, height 0.6m) containing about 25 kg of sandy loam were used for the drought stress experiments. For rooting depth and root distribution studies, the tubes were subdivided into four compartments of  0.15 m each. In the first trial, tubes with WAB56-104 were gradually droughted to five levels of soil moisture content that were kept constant thereafter. In the second trial, plants of all cultivars were subjected to three drought treatments: (1) constant soil moisture content at field capacity (about 22% moisture content), (2) constant soil moisture content of 14% (about –0.5 MPa soil matrix potential) and (3) constant soil moisture content of 9% (about –1 MPa soil matrix potential). Rice reacted to drought stress with reductions in height, leaf area and biomass production, tiller abortion, changes in root dry matter and rooting depth and a delay in reproductive development. Assimilate partitioning between root and shoot, determined from changes in dry matter, was not affected by drought when the plants were gradually stressed. In no case additional biomass was partitioned to the roots, on the contrary, dry matter partitioning to the root completely ceased under severe stress. Due to the irrigation technique used, vertical soil moisture distribution varied little, but roots grew deeper under drought stress. This was particularly the case for the upland adapted WAB56-104. Implication for modeling of drought responses in upland rice systems are discussed.

Andersen, M. N., Asch, F., Wu, Y., Jensen, C. R., Naested, H., Mogensen, V. O., Koch, K. E., 2002. Soluble Invertase Expression Is an Early Target of Drought Stress during the Critical, Abortion-Sensitive Phase of Young Ovary Development in Maize. Plant Physiol. 130, 591-604.

To distinguish their roles in early kernel development and stress, expression of soluble (Ivr2) and insoluble (Incw2) acid invertases was analyzed in young ovaries of maize (Zea mays) from 6 d before (-6 d) to 7 d after pollination (+7 d) and in response to perturbation by drought stress treatments. The Ivr2 soluble invertase mRNA was more abundant than the Incw2 mRNA throughout pre- and early post-pollination development (peaking at +3 d). In contrast, Incw2 mRNAs increased only after pollination. Drought repression of the Ivr2 soluble invertase also preceded changes in Incw2, with soluble activity responding before pollination (-4 d). Distinct profiles of Ivr2 and Incw2 mRNAs correlated with respective enzyme activities and indicated separate roles for these invertases during ovary development and stress. In addition, the drought-induced decrease and developmental changes of ovary hexose to sucrose ratio correlated with activity of soluble but not insoluble invertase. Ovary abscisic acid levels were increased by severe drought only at -6 d and did not appear to directly affect Ivr2 expression. In situ analysis showed localized activity and Ivr2 mRNA for soluble invertase at sites of phloem-unloading and expanding maternal tissues (greatest in terminal vascular zones and nearby cells of pericarp, pedicel, and basal nucellus). This early pattern of maternal invertase localization is clearly distinct from the well-characterized association of insoluble invertase with the basal endosperm later in development. This localization, the shifts in endogenous hexose to sucrose environment, and the distinct timing of soluble and insoluble invertase expression during development and stress collectively indicate a key role and critical sensitivity of the Ivr2 soluble invertase gene during the early, abortion-susceptible phase of development.
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Bahrun, A., Jensen, C. R., Asch, F., Mogensen, V. O., 2002. 
Drought-induced changes of xylem pH, ionic composition, and [ABA] act as early signals in field-grown maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Experimental Botany, 53, 251-263.

Early signals potentially regulating leaf growth and stomatal aperture in field grown maize (Zea mays L.) subjected to drought were investigated. Plants grown in a field-lysimeter on two soil types were subjected to progressive drought during vegetative growth. Leaf ABA content, water status, extension rate, conductance, photosynthesis, nitrogen content, and xylem sap composition were measured daily. Maize responded similarly to progressive drought on both soil types. Effects on loam were less pronounced than on sand. Relative to fully-watered controls, xylem pH increased by about 0.3 units and conductivity decreased by about 0.25 mS cm-1 one day after withholding irrigation (DAWI). Xylem nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate concentrations decreased by about 50 % at 3-5 DAWI, potassium concentration decreased by about 50 % at 7-11 DAWI and xylem ABA concentration increased by 40-60 pmol ml-1 at 5-7 DAWI. Midday leaf water potential, photosynthesis and leaf nitrogen content were significantly decreased in droughted plants. Leaf extension rate decreased 5 DAWI, after the changes in xylem chemical composition had occurred. Xylem nitrate concentration was the only ionic xylem sap component significantly correlated to increasing soil moisture deficit and decreasing leaf nitrogen concentration. Predawn leaf ABA content in droughted plants increased by 100-200 ng g-1 dry weight at 7 to 8 DAWI coinciding with a decrease in stomatal conductance before any significant decrease in midday leaf water potential was observed. Based on the observed sequence, a chain of signal events is suggested eventually leading to stomatal closure and leaf surface reduction through interactive effects of reduced nitrogen supply and plant growth regulators under drought.

Asch, F. Andersen, M. N., Jensen, C. R., Mogensen, V. O., 2001. 
Ovary Abscisic Acid Concentration does not Induce Kernel Abortion in Field-grown Maize Subjected to Drought
. European Journal of Agriculture 15, 119-129.

This study investigated the effects of drought of different duration and severity on ovary ABA concentration and yield components in field-grown maize (Zea mays L. cv. Loft). The study was conducted in a field lysimeter of the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL) in Højbakkegaard (55°40' N; 12°18' E; 28 masl), Denmark in 1997. Irrigation was withheld at four different dates to induce drought of different duration and severity at the reproductive stage of the plants. Plots were re-watered shortly after silking and kept at field capacity for the remainder of the season. Soil water status, plant height, and early morning leaf water potential were monitored during the treatment. Ovary abscisic acid concentration was determined at four dates before and after fertilization. Final grain yield, total dry matter, harvest index, mean kernel weight, kernel weight distribution, and kernel number per cob were determined at maturity. Plant height was significantly (p < 0.05) reduced by 40% and 25% respectively in the two most severe drought treatments. In the two shorter drought treatments no effect of drought stress on plant height or biomass was observed. Leaf water potential decreased slowly as a function of relative available soil water content and resulted in -0.4 MPa at the end of the longest and -0.12 MPa at the end of the shortest stress period. Under fully watered conditions, plot yields averaged 1400 g·m-2 for total dry matter (DM) and 700 g·m-2 for grain yield, with a harvest index of about 0.5. Initiation of a drying cycle close to flowering did not change yields. Long drying cycles resulted in significant ( p< 0.05) yield reductions up to 70 % of the fully watered controls. Kernel number per cob was reduced up to 60% under long drought conditions and not affected under short term drought. Drought imposed about two weeks prior to fertilization resulted in 30% reduction in kernel number per cob, but this effect was balanced by an increase of 25 % in mean kernel weight. Long and severe drought increased ovary ABA concentration prior to fertilization, whereas short term drought did not. At fertilization no increase of ovary ABA as compared to fully watered controls was found in any treatment. It is concluded that drought induced grain yield losses in field grown maize cannot be attributed to kernel size reduction or kernel abortion due to ovary ABA concentrations as reported by some authors for studies on maize and wheat under controlled conditions, as ovary ABA concentrations peaked before zygote formation and endosperm development.

Asch, F., Wopereis, M. S. C., 2001. Responses of field-grown irrigated rice cultivars to varying levels of floodwater salinity under semi-arid conditions. Field Crops Research 70, 127-137.

Shallow saline water tables, naturally saline soils and variations in climatic conditions over the two growing seasons, create a harsh environment for irrigated rice production in the Senegal River Delta. At the onset of the growing season, salts accumulated by capillary rise in the topsoil are released into the soil solution and floodwater. Rice fields often lack drainage facilities, or drain from one field to the other, thus building-up salt levels during the season. Salt stress may, therefore, occur throughout the growing season and may coincide with susceptible growth stages of the rice crop. The objectives of the present study were to (i) determine varietal responses to seasonal salinity in both the hot dry season (HDS) and the wet season (WS) and (ii) derive guidelines for surface water drainage at critical growth stages. We evaluated responses of three rice cultivars grown in the region, to floodwater salinity (0-1, 2, 4, 6, 8 mS cm-1), applied either at germination, during two weeks at crop establishment, during two weeks around panicle initiation, or during two weeks around flowering. Floodwater electrical conductivity (EC) reduced germination rate for the most susceptible cultivar by as much as 50% and yield by 80% for the highest salinity level imposed. . Salinity strongly reduced spikelet number per panicle, 1000 grain weight and increased sterility, regardless of season and development stage. The strongest salinity effects on yield were observed around panicle initiation (PI), whereas plants recovered best from stress at seedling stage. Floodwater EC < 2 mS cm-1 hardly affected rice yield. For floodwater EC levels > 2 mS cm-1, a yield loss of up to 1 t ha-1 per unit EC (mS cm-1) was observed for salinity stress around PI (at fresh water yields of about 8 t ha-1). Use of a salinity tolerant cultivar reduced maximum yield losses to about 0.6 t ha-1 per unit EC. It is concluded that use of salinity tolerant cultivars, drainage if floodwater EC > 2 mS cm-1 at critical growth stages, and early sowing in the wet season to avoid periods of low air humidity during the crop cycle, are ways to increase rice productivity in the Senegal River Delta.

Asch, F., Dingkuhn, M., Dörffling, K., 2000. 
Salinity increases CO2 assimilation but reduces growth in field-grown, irrigated rice. Plant and Soil 218, 1-10.

Salinity is a major yield-reducing factor in coastal and arid, irrigated rice production systems. Salt tolerance is a major breeding objective. Three rice cultivars with different levels of salt tolerance were studied in the field for growth, sodium uptake, leaf chlorophyll content, specific leaf area (SLA), sodium concentration and leaf CO2 exchange rates (CER) at photosynthetic active radiation (PAR)-saturation. Plants were grown in Ndiaye, Senegal, at a research station of the West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA), during the hot dry season (HDS) and the wet season (WS) 1994 under irrigation with fresh or saline water (flood water electrical conductivity = 3.5 mS cm-1). Relative leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD method) and root, stem, leaf blade and panicle dry weight were measured at weekly intervals throughout both seasons. Specific leaf area was measured on eight dates, and CER and leaf sodium content were measured at mid-season on the first (topmost) and second leaf.
Salinity reduced yields to nearly zero and dry-matter accumulation by 90% for the susceptible cultivar in the HDS, but increased leaf chlorophyll content and CER at PAR-saturation. The increase in CER, which was also observed in the other cultivars and seasons, was explained by a combination of two hypotheses: leaf chlorophyll content was limited by the available N resources in controls, but not in salt-stressed plants; and the sodium concentrations were not high enough to cause early leaf senescence and chlorophyll degradation. The growth reductions were attributed to loss of assimilates (mechanisms unknown) that must have occurred after export from the sites of assimilation. The apparent, recurrent losses of assimilates, which were between 8% and 49% according to simulation with the crop model for potential yields in irrigated rice, ORYZA_S, might be partly due to root decomposition and exudation. Possibly more importantly, energy-consuming processes drained the assimilate supply, such as osmoregulation and interception of sodium and potassium from the transpiration stream in leaf sheaths, and subsequent storage there.

Asch, F., Dingkuhn, M., Miezan, K., Dörffling, K., 2000. 
Leaf K/Na ratio predicts salinity induced yield loss in irrigated rice. Euphytica 113, 109-118

Salinity is a major constraint to irrigated rice production, particularly in semi-arid and arid climates. Irrigated rice is a well suited crop to controlling and even decreasing soil salinity, but rice is a salt-susceptible crop and yield losses due to salinity can be substantial. The objective of this study was to develop a highly predictive screening tool for the vegetative growth stage of rice to estimate salinity-induced yield losses.
Twenty-one rice genotypes were grown over seven seasons in a field trials in Ndiaye, Senegal, between 1991 and 1995 and were subjected to irrigation with moderately saline water (3.5 mS cm-1, electrical conductivity) or irrigation with fresh water. Potassium/sodium ratios of the youngest three leaves (K/NaLeaves) were determined by flame photometry at the late vegetative stage. Grain yield was determined at maturity. All cultivars showed strong log-linear correlations between K/NaLeaves and grain yield, but intercept and slope of those correlations differed between seasons for a given genotype and between genotypes. The K/NaLeaves under salinity was related to grain yield under salinity relative to freshwater controls. There was a highly significant correlation (p< 0.001) between K/NaLeaves and salinity-induced grain yield reduction: the most susceptible cultivars had lowest K/NaLeaves and the strongest yield reductions. Although there were major differences in the effects of salinity on crops in both the hot dry season (HDS) and the wet season, the correlation was equally significant across cropping seasons. The earliest possible time to establish the relationship between K/NaLeaves under salinity and grain yield reduction due to salinity was investigated in an additional trial in the HDS 1998. About 60 days after sowing, salinity-induced yield loss could be predicted through K/NaLeaves with a high degree of confidence (p< 0.01).
A screening system for salinity resistance of rice, particularly in arid and semi-arid climates, is proposed based on the correlation between K/NaLeaves under salinity and salinity-induced yield losses.

Asch F., Sow A., Dingkuhn M., 1999
Reserve mobilization, dry matter partitioning and specific leaf area in seedlings of African rice cultivars differing in early vigor. Field Crops Res. 62, 191-202.

Rice breeding for weed competitiveness requires improved screening tools. An ongoing breeding program uses O. glaberrima as genetic donor for growth vigor and weed competitiveness. This study investigates morphophysiological characteristics relevant to seedling vigor, namely, the kinetics of reserve mobilization, dry matter partitioning among organs, and specific leaf area (SLA). Five diverse cultivars (O. glaberrima upland rice, improved and traditional tropical O. sativa japonica upland rices, an improved O. sativa indica cultivar and an interspecific progeny) were grown in the screenhouse for 18 d on wet soil. Dry matter fractions of plant organs were measured daily, leaf area (LA) and SLA were measured 9, 14 and 18 days after seed soaking (DAS). SLA measurements were repeated using crowded populations simulating farmers' seedbed nurseries.
Seedlings achieved photo-autotrophic growth between 7.6 and 9.3 DAS, and had compensated for respiration losses during heterotrophic growth at 10.3 by 12.4 DAS, with O. glaberrima and improved indica cultivars requiring shorter periods than tropical japonica cultivars. For all cultivars, dry matter partitioning coefficients (PC) for roots were initially high but dropped temporarily to near zero during the transition from heterotrophic to autotrophic growth. The O. glaberrima cultivar had the largest PC for laminae and the largest SLA among the cultivars.
It is concluded that the superior early growth vigor of the O. glaberrima cultivar, as documented in previous studies, is partly due to (1) early onset of autotrophic growth, (2) high PC for leaves, and (3) large SLA. Based on the previous observation that SLA is correlated with weed competitiveness, it appears that SLA measured at about 14 d after germination might be employed as a rapid screen for weed competitiveness.

Dingkuhn, M., Asch, F., 1999. 
Phenological Responses of Oryza sativa, O. glaberrima and Inter-specific Rice Cultivars on a Toposequence in West Africa. Euphytica 110, 109-126.

Phenological properties of rice cultivars, particularly crop duration, determines their yield potential, local agronomic suitability and ability to escape from drought. Crop duration of a given cultivar depends mainly on photoperiod (PP) and temperature, but is also affected by the crop establishment practice and environmental stresses.
A sample of 84 ecologically and genetically diverse rice cultivars was sown on five dates between May and September 1997 on the flooded-lowland (transplant), hydromorphic and upland levels of a toposequence at 7o 52' N in Cote d'Ivoire, in order to characterize the cultivars' phenological responses. In the upland, life-saving sprinkler irrigation was applied when drought symptoms were visible. A non-replicated design augmented with four replicated checks (four replications per ecosystem) was used. Phenology was characterized by date of emergence, first heading, 50% flowering and maturity. The period from emergence to flowering was subdivided into three phases following a simple model used at IRRI to characterize germplasm for photoperiodism. For each ecosystem and cultivar, the basic vegetative period (BVP) was estimated by subtracting 30 d from the duration to flowering at the sowing date associated with the shortest duration, and expressed in degree-days (dd), assuming a base temperature of 10 oC. The PP-sensitive phase (PSP) was estimated by subtracting BVP+30 d from the time to flowering. PP-sensitivity (PS) was calculated from the apparent change in PSP between 12.0 and 12.5 h mean astronomic daylength during the PSP, by regression across dates.
Cultivars differed strongly in BVP (300 to 1200 dd) and PS (0 to 1000 dd). The BVP was generally longer in the lowland than in the hydromorph, and mostly longer in the upland than in the hydromorph, possibly due to transplanting shock (lowland) and drought (upland). Many cultivars, particularly upland-adapted japonicas, had a greater PS in the lowland than in the upland. Principal-component and cluster analyses based on BVP and PS in each of the three ecosystems established three large and three small groups of cultivars having common phenological responses. The linkage groups were associated with ecotypes (lowland vs upland, traditional vs improved) and genetic groups (O. sativa japonica and indica, O. glaberrima, inter-specific progenies). The groups were seen to represent past selection strategies by farmers and recent breeding strategies, with respect to achieving yield stability in the various ecosystems. For example, indigenous selection strategies for O. sativa upland rices seem to have favored a long BVP, whereas from O. glaberrima, which generally has a superior initial vigor, cultivars with a short BVP have been selected. The authors conclude that the modern upland rice breeding strategy for the region on the basis O. sativa, which aims at drought escape using a short BVP, is paralleled by existing indigenous O. glaberrima materials. Efforts to utilize these materials for breeding are ongoing.

Asch F., Dingkuhn, M., Wittstock, C., Dörffling, K., 1999
Sodium and Potassium Uptake of Rice Panicles as Affected by Salinity and Season in Relation to Yield and Yield Components. Plant and Soil 207, 133-145.

Salinity is a major yield reducing stress in many arid and/or coastal irrigation systems for rice. Past studies on salt stress have mainly addressed the vegetative growth stage of rice, and little is known on salt effects on the reproductive organs. Sodium and potassium uptake of panicles was studied for eight rice cultivars in field trials under irrigation with saline and fresh water in the hot dry season (HDS) and the wet season (WS) 1994 at WARDA in Ndiaye, Senegal. Sodium and potassium content was determined at four different stages of panicle development and related to salt treatment effects on yield, yield components and panicle transpiration.
Yield and yield components were strongly affected by salinity, the effects being stronger in the HDS than in the WS. The cultivars differed in the amount of salt taken up by the panicle. Tolerant cultivars had lower panicle sodium content at all panicle development stages than susceptible ones. Panicle potassium concentration decreased with panicle development under both treatments in all cultivars, but to a lesser extent in salt treated susceptible cultivars. Grain weight reduction in the early panicle development stages and spikelet sterility increase in the later PDS were highly correlated (p < 0.01) with an increase in panicle sodium concentration in both seasons, whereas reduction in spikelet number was not. The magnitude of salt-induced yield loss could not be explained with increases in sodium uptake to the panicle alone. It is argued that the amount of sodium taken up by the panicle may be determined by two different factors. One factor (before flowering) being the overall control mechanism of sodium uptake through root properties and the subsequent distribution of sodium in the vegetative plant, whereas the other (from flowering onwards) is probably linked to panicle transpiration.

Asch, F., Dörffling, K., Dingkuhn, M., 1995
Response of Rice Varieties to Soil Salinity and Air Humidity: a possible Involvement of Root-borne ABA. Plant and Soil 177, 11-19

In a phytotron experiment four rice varieties (Pokkali, IR 28, IR 50, IR 31785-58-1-2-3-3) grown in individual pots were subjected to low (40/55% day/night) and high (75/90%) air humidity (RH), while soil salinity was gradually increased by injecting 0, 30, 60 or 120mM NaCl solutions every two days. Bulk root and stem base water potential (SWP), abscisic acid (ABA) content of the xylem sap and stomatal resistance (rs) of the youngest fully expanded leaf were determined two days after each salt application.
The SWP decreased and xylem ABA and rs increased throughout the 8 days of treatment. The effects were amplified by low RH. A chain of physiological events was hypothesized in which high soil electric conductivity (EC) reduces SWP, followed by release of root-borne ABA to the xylem and eventually resulting in stomatal closure. To explain varietal differences in stomatal reaction, supposed cause and effect variables were compared by linear regression. This revealed strong differences in physiological reactions to the RH and salt treatments among the test varieties. Under salt stress roots of IR 31785-58-1-2-3-3 produced much ABA under low RH, but no additional effect of low RH on rs could be found. By contrast, Pokkali produced little ABA, but rs was strongly affected by RH. RH did not affect the relationships EC vs. SWP and SWP vs. ABA in Pokkali, IR 28, and IR 50, but the relationship ABA vs. rs was strongly affected by RH. In IR 31785-58-1-2-3-3 RH strongly affected the relationship SWP vs. ABA, but had no effect on ABA vs. rs and EC vs. rs.
The results are discussed regarding possible differences in varietal stomatal sensitivity to ABA and their implications for varietal salt tolerance.

Dingkuhn, M., Sow, A., Samb, A., Diack, S., Asch, F., 1995
Climatic Determents of Irrigated Rice Performance in the Sahel. I. Photothermal and Micro-climatic Responses of Flowering. Agricultural Systems 48, 385-410

In the Sahel, variable crop duration of irrigated rice poses serious timing problems for intensification of production. Photothermal effects on phenology have been studied to develop simulation tools for breeding and cropping systems research. Forty-nine genotypes were planted at monthly intervals in various rice-garden trials. Environment variability among seasons, sites, and within the crop canopy was characterized to develop a field-based, photothermal model for flowering. Basic concepts were the summation of heat units and a linear thermal response of development having upper (Topt) and lower (Tbase) response limits. Photoperiodism was model by a slope constant (CPP) and a basic vegetative phase. Photoperiodism and transplanting shock acted as modifiers of heat requirements (Tsum), thereby having greater effects on duration at low than at high temperatures. Tbase, Topt, Tsum, BVP and CPP were considered genotypic constants and calibrated by optimization. Daily input for the model was the physiologically relevant temperature Tphys at the shoot apex. Tphys depended on apex submergence, water temperature and diurnal temperature patterns.
Diurnal temperature segments exceeding the Tbase-Topt range were disregarded. Mean water temperature was below air temperature, particularly at high leaf area indices and on dry days. Mean air temperature was closer to minimum than to the maximum when amplitudes were high or days short. Minimum  temperatures below 18° C at booting stage resulted in near total spikelet sterility and a specific delay in heading. The model was validated for a site thermally different from the site of calibration.